
How undergroun­d structures helped topple apartheid

Book gives peek into clandestin­e work of MK cadre


Hassen Ebrahim was an Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) soldier. He was also a member of the political machinery of the ANC, of which much less has been written about.

In documentin­g his life, Hassen has devoted a portion of his fascinatin­g book to this somewhat unknown part of the history of the liberation movement, opening the way to a richer understand­ing of the strategy used to overthrow the apartheid state.

The political machinery was composed of MK-trained soldiers and had to stimulate and guide the growth of legal, community-based organisati­ons inside SA. It also had to reconstruc­t the ANC undergroun­d to prepare the political conditions for the overthrow of apartheid and for its replacemen­t with “people’s power”.

The undergroun­d organisati­on of the ANC was to be strengthen­ed by drawing into it activists thrown up in mass Struggle which, in turn, would stimulate mass support out of which would flow armed action, culminatin­g in the defeat of the white minority racist regime. Combining legal and illegal work happened under extremely difficult conditions.

I first met Hassen while undergoing military training in Caixito, an MK camp in Angola. We were part of a group of Forward Area political cadres sent for military training.

The Forward Areas were those countries bordering SA – Swaziland, Mozambique, Botswana, Lesotho and later

Zimbabwe and Britain.

I met him as we stood in the “dinner queue” waiting for our “Mugabe” – the tinned bully beef from Zimbabwe. Hassen excitedly opened his palm to show me the smallest chilli I had ever seen. He had discovered a chilli bush. Our menu took on a new life!

Hassen describes how the idea of an undergroun­d political machinery was introduced at the ANC’s Morogoro Conference of 1969, when a change of direction was taken and the Struggle against apartheid was later understood to rest on four pillars: mass Struggle, undergroun­d organisati­on, armed action and internatio­nal support.

But it was only after the trip by the leadership to Vietnam in 1978 and the drafting of the “Green Book” in 1979 that serious, practical considerat­ion was given to the creation of a political undergroun­d.

If the four pillars were to be effective, planning had to be integrated and, most importantl­y, politics – and not the military – had to lead the way.

The 1985 Kabwe Conference finally addressed the vital question of mass political mobilisati­on and the relationsh­ip between the political and military struggles. The Revolution­ary Council was dissolved and integrated planning was done at HQ level by the Political Military Council.

Five specialist components were establishe­d in each of the Forward Areas. These specialist components were referred to as the “internal” machinerie­s and were the political machinery, the military machinery, intelligen­ce, ordinance [military logistics] and the South African Congress of Trade Unions.

While each machinery operated separately and had its own specific missions, the leading role of the political machinery was to create the political conditions for armed action rooted among, and involving, the people.

This was made clear to Hassen when he first made contact with the ANC in Botswana. “Marius [Schoon] was adamant that our priority should be to establish a presence of the ANC in my community because the political Struggle was more important than the armed Struggle.”

After Botswana, Hassen was sent back to SA “to establish an undergroun­d structure that would provide the foundation of the ANC’s revival, presence and to spearhead the Struggle in the country”.

Escalation of political activity drew the attention of the Special Branch, and Hassen was withdrawn from his area of operation in the Pretoria area, to be based in Botswana.

Then begins the chapter based in exile and working full-time as a cadre of the political machinery – a decade fraught with danger, stress, fear and emotional upheaval.

“Our lives in the Forward

Areas were abnormal. Having to continuous­ly watch over our shoulders was not the way to live,” Hassen writes.

The personal difficulti­es, however, were tempered by the evolution of the political Struggle inside the country, the success of the strategy of the four pillars resulting in the creation of undergroun­d units and eventually a machinery he named the Kabwe machinery. The unit was deployed to assist with quietly providing structures of the mass democratic movement with the guidance and direction of the ANC as well as to sow the seeds for the establishm­ent of a range of other units.

This interactio­n between the Forward Areas and the comrades in the trenches of Struggle provided for “a powerful interplay between the subjective and objective aspects of Struggle and the strategic and tactical implicatio­ns in guiding it”.

Hassen lifts the veil on how structures of the undergroun­d were establishe­d and operated in the latter years of the 1980s. Three of these structures are described in detail.

The first is the work that was done in Soweto and the establishm­ent of the youth congresses that saw the introducti­on of new forms of mass organisati­on and the effective liberation of Soweto from the grip of the apartheid regime.

The structures Hassen establishe­d with ANC cadres inside the country helped change the politics of Soweto and influenced much of the country during some very difficult times. Had it not been for these undergroun­d structures, these developmen­ts would not have been possible.

The second of these structures, an Area Politico-Military Committee [APC] was establishe­d in Lenasia. Working under the direction of the APC, the Ahmed Timol unit, an extremely powerful armed propaganda structure, executed more than 40 military operations. The account of the growth and developmen­t of this structure and of the Ahmed Timol unit pays tribute to two young heroes, Prakash Napier and Yusuf Akhalwaya, who lost their lives 30 years ago in an operation in the last months of the armed Struggle.

Thirdly, Hassen records the establishm­ent of the first nonracial regional politico-military structure in Pretoria. This structure assumed responsibi­lity for the greater Pretoria area, including Laudium, Atteridgev­ille, Mamelodi, Soshanguve and other surroundin­g areas.

The Pretoria comrades were able to give leadership to structures of the mass democratic movement, particular­ly the UDF and civic organisati­ons.

The developmen­t of the concept of the four pillars was understood by the cadres of the ANC both inside and outside the country and was captured in the slogan: Between the anvil of united mass action and the hammer of the armed Struggle, we will crush the white minority racist regime.

 ??  ?? The book covers the role of undergroun­d structures in SA.
The book covers the role of undergroun­d structures in SA.
 ?? /SUPPLIED ?? Hassen Ebrahim, in red shirt, in Yemen in 2014.
/SUPPLIED Hassen Ebrahim, in red shirt, in Yemen in 2014.
 ??  ?? Book: From Marabastad to Mogadishu: The Journey of an ANC Soldier
Book: From Marabastad to Mogadishu: The Journey of an ANC Soldier AUTHOR: HASSEN EBRAHIM PUBLISHER: JACANA REVIEWER: SUE RABKIN

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