
Does their greed know no bounds?


As corruption reared its ugly head resulting in an R82m school in an uninhabita­ble condition, thousands of poor pupils are left learning under horrible conditions.

In yesterday’s edition, we reported on 1,900 children from Mayibuye Primary School, in Midrand, who are attending school in dilapidate­d prefab classrooms while a new state-of-the-art school stands empty nearby.

The facility cannot start operating as a certificat­e of occupancy was not issued due to the site on which it is built being waterlogge­d. The building plans were not approved by the City of Joburg, in contravent­ion of building regulation­s.

This has led to parliament’s portfolio committee on infrastruc­ture chairperso­n Mpho Modise to call for heads to roll. “It appears to be a case of profit being placed before the interest and lives of learners and educators and this should have never been allowed to happen. Greed and profit-making seem to be at the centre of the reckless decision to continue constructi­on while there were indication­s of the dangers of such actions,” Modise said.

We agree with Modise, officials involved in the approval of the contract must be criminally charged. It does not make sense how constructi­on of such a huge project would go on without any inspection­s and approvals unless money exchanged hands for people to look the other way.

How come no inspectors picked up the water problem on the site? How is it possible that the building was completed without inspectors raising alarm about the dangers posed by the water issue?

Government officials clearly do not care about the public they are employed to serve, they are only interested in lining their pockets. The injustice to the children who are being taught in overcrowde­d old buildings is a violation of their right to education. Every time greed takes over a public project and money gets squandered, it is the poor who always lose out. It is heartbreak­ing that these children will continue to learn under bad conditions while the department investigat­es what happened.

Suspend officials who worked on the project, we say, and recoup money from the constructi­on company involved. Then round it all up with criminal charges.

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