
David Tlale the prayer warrior

Christian faith keeps fashion icon grounded

- By Nombuso Kumalo

Renowned fashion designer and devoted child of God David Tlale opens up about how his foundation in Christ has cemented his faith and brand.

David Tlale’s elegant designs have walked the world’s most noted runways, making him one of Africa’s most distinguis­hed fashion designers.

Behind the brand is a servant of God whose faith is rooted in strong Christian beliefs, family and the love of God. Tlale’s spiritual journey began in the church, similarly to any typical child from Vosloorus on the East Rand who was bought up in a Christian household.

“My life over and above school and home was purely surrounded and purely seeding my spiritual life. That lifestyle moulded who I am.”

It wasn’t until he questioned his religious ways that being involved in church activities was simply not enough. “During that journey, I came to realise that this cannot just be a religion or something you do on a daily basis without having substance.”

His search to live a life of meaning led him to his encounter with Jesus Christ.

“In 1991, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour and things started changing in my life.” Freely practising his faith is something which was not always easy for Tlale.

“As a young person you are not sure how people will accept you as a Christian and as a designer. People look at you with this flamboyanc­e and ask, ‘Are you a Christian, your dress code does not say such’. And you doubt yourself at some point. There came a time where I was like, ‘I’m done with trying to please people’ .I didn’t have to prove to anyone that I am Christian.”

Tlale’s spiritual journey has come full circle, and he is now in a comfortabl­e place where he can boldly profess his faith.

“When I do interviews, I always speak about how far God has brought us as a family, me as an individual and the brand David Tlale. I know that I am not just a designer, but I am a child of the kingdom of God.”

Last year, Tlale’s faith was tested when he lost his mother who was also his best friend. It was during this difficult season that Tlale became grateful for the immense comfort he received from the Holy Spirit.

“I remember two weeks after we had laid my mom to rest, I had to present the summer collection in New York. It was so painful I was still grieving. Every flight I took, the last person I called was my mother. And now I had nobody to talk to.

“I have seen the hand of God bringing me back. I have felt the touch of God in some nights when I am sleeping to say, ‘My child, I am with you and I love you. The fact that your mum has left you does not mean that I have deserted you’,” Tlale says.

During the lockdown, Tlale opened up his Instagram Live feed to share his virtual prayer sessions with his followers.

“When we started this lockdown, that was when I started opening up my social media platforms and live feeds to get into a time of prayer at 5 o’clock in the morning and 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Those things have carried me because I know that if I was not grounded in prayer or in God, I wouldn’t have been able to sustain even my business. I realised that what matters most is the relationsh­ip with God,” Tlale says.

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/ SUPPLIED Fashion guru David Tlale.
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