
ANC pushes for new Gauteng health MEC

Makhura told new appointmen­t urgent

- By Kgothatso Madisa

The Gauteng ANC has told premier David Makhura to replace the erstwhile health MEC Bandile Masuku with a new political head.

The party announced yesterday that Masuku and presidency spokespers­on Khusela Diko had been suspended from party activities pending their disciplina­ry hearings in relation to the Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) scandal.

Masuku was fired early this month after a preliminar­y Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) report into the PPE tender scandal.

Makhura at the time said he would not replace him until investigat­ions into allegation­s of corruption related to PPE procuremen­t in the health department were completed.

The SIU report found that Masuku was made aware of the irregulari­ties in the procuremen­t of PPE but did nothing or very little to act on it. Makhura said that the SIU recommende­d he takes action to determine whetherMas­uku is suitable to continue holding the position of health MEC. Thiswas after Royal Bhaca, a company owned by Diko ’ s husband AmaBhaca chief Thandiziwe Diko, was awarded a multimilli­on-rand Covid19 PPE tender by the department. The Masukus and the Dikos are close family friends.

Though the provincial executive committee (PEC) unanimousl­y accepted and welcomed the decision to fire Masuku, it was however against Makhura ’ s stance not to replace him and said the department cannot go on without an MEC during a Covid-19 pandemic that has the potential to resurge.

The department is currently without an MEC, head of department (HOD), chief financial officer (CFO) and deputy director-general (DDG) after they were suspended based on the preliminar­y findings of the SIU. These positions are being filled on an acting basis.

“Strengthen­ing the department must be one of the urgent priorities of the premier and that of the executive council, ” Gauteng provincial treasurer Parks Tau said.

“This includes the urgent appointmen­t of the new MEC and HOD so that they can lead the battle against Covid-19 and focus on improving the quality of public health in Gauteng. ”

The filling of the vacancies is expected to be actioned as soon as possible, with Makhura having called a meeting to discuss possible names of replacemen­ts.

“I can confirm that onMonday the premier has requested to consult with [ANC] office bearers and amongst the discussion­s I think it will be on the process to fill those vacancies. So we will indeed deal with those aspects,” ANC Gauteng deputy chairperso­n Panyaza Lesufi said.

Masuku ’ s wife and MMC at the City of Johannesbu­rg Loyiso Masuku is expected to return to work after the PEC decided therewas no proof of her involvemen­t in the alleged corruption at the department.

“The PEC decided that comrade Bandile Masuku and comrade Khusela Diko should be referred to the provincial disciplina­ry committee of the ANC, ” Tau said.

“In order to protect the integrity of the ANC and of the affected comrades, the PEC further decided that [they] should step aside from organisati­onal activities pending the finalisati­on of the disciplina­ry process.

“Allegation­s against Loyiso Masuku in relation to her involvemen­t in this regard could not be substantia­ted and the PEC decided she should resume her duties.”

 ?? / F R E D DY M AVUNDA ?? Former MEC for health Dr Bandile Masuku and Gauteng premier David Makhura.
/ F R E D DY M AVUNDA Former MEC for health Dr Bandile Masuku and Gauteng premier David Makhura.

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