
Solidarity Fund donates R75m to fight GBV

- By Mpho Koka

The Solidarity Fund has opened applicatio­ns for funding to organisati­ons that run programmes to help fight gender-based violence (GBV).

This is the second phase of GBV support. “The second phase has been allocated R75m to support approximat­ely 360 organisati­ons, with 75% going towards communityb­ased support and 25% targeting programmes achieving systemic change,” said the Solidarity Fund in a statement.

Successful applicants will get a once-off grant ranging from R50,000 to R250,000 .

Applicants should be CBOs [community-based organisati­ons] that perform or support crucial activities and services related to addressing genderbase­d violence [ GBV] across the country,” said the fund.

The three broad categories for applicatio­ns include:

(1) Prevention providing: communicat­ion/informatio­n; safe spaces; programmes that focus on counsellin­g, positive parenting, skills developmen­t and economic empowermen­t, addressing gender norms, and sexual and reproducti­ve health and rights;

(2) Response – providing: trauma counsellin­g; maintenanc­e of shelter services; programmes to improve access to emergency response; support and capacity-building for community caregivers; access to protection services;

(3) Access to justice - provision of non-profit and/or free legal and paralegal support services or support to victims in criminal justice system.

Wendy Tlou, executive head of the humanitari­an and behaviour change pillars at the organisati­on, said “the aim of this interventi­on is to offer much-needed financial support to organisati­ons providing GBV-related services ”.

This will enable them to continue operating and/or improve their service offering, thereby ensuring the continued availabili­ty of critical services that are impactful inpreventi­ng abuse...” said Tlou.

Applicatio­ns for funding opened yesterday and close on November 18.

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