
Marchers dedicate Down Syndrome Day to Julies

Group hands memorandum to government

- By Mpho Koka

Scores of community members took to the streets in Eldorado Park, south of Johannesbu­rg, this week to mark the National Down Syndrome Day by marching in honour of Nateniël Julies, who was shot dead allegedly by police.

They also raised awareness for people living with Down syndrome by marching from Eldos FM studios to the scene where 16-year-old Julies was shot and killed.

The march was characteri­sed by waving of flags bearing Julies ’ face, vehicles blazing their horns and police sirens. Down Syndrome SA (DSSA) and the Caitlin Douman Foundation (CDF) organised the protest.

DSSA national director Ancella Ramjas, 56, said the day was meant “to raise awareness on Down syndrome in the greater public and in communitie­s such as what we are doing here in Eldorado Park ”.

“The purpose of us being here is in light of the deaths of both Nateniël and Rene Andrews who were residents of Eldorado Park, and I thought it was important for us to come and show solidarity with the parents by doing this march.

“We needed to send a message and say all lives matter and disabiliti­es ’ lives matter as well, ” she said.

Julies and Andrews had Down syndrome.

Marcelle Daniels, the president of CDF, said the march was also about giving a voice within the community and explain to the people that there was assistance and support around Down syndrome. “As the Caitlin Douman Foundation, we are here for all children and families with disabiliti­es. We are here to be a voice for the voiceless,” she said.

The Julies and Andrews family members were part of the march and thanked the people who took part in the march for their support, participat­ion and solidarity.

Andrews, who was admitted to Helen Joseph Hospital, died on August 27 from pneumonia.

Her parents only found out on October 10 that she had died in hospital. Gauteng health department spokespers­on Kwara Kekana said the department had launched an investigat­ion into why the family of Andrews only found out 45 days after her death

“The acting health MEC, Jacob Mamabolo, has since directed the department to conduct an investigat­ion into Rene ’ s case. He has deployed a senior team of officials tomeet with the family,” she said.

Isaac Piet, a pastor at the United Congregati­on Church in the area, told Sowetan he would like police minister Bheki Cele to increase police patrolling so that people with disabiliti­es are not robbed by criminals when going to collect their disability grants.

Organisers of the march also handed over a memorandum of demands to the Gauteng department of social developmen­t, which was received by the HOD Thembeni Mhlongo.

Mhlongo said: “We need to understand that people with Down syndrome need to be respected and included in the activities of society and be given the respect that they deserve. They have rights like everybody...”

Three police officers implicated in the fatal shooting of Julies, Sgt Scorpion Simon Ndyalvane, Const Caylene Whiteboy and Sgt Vorster Netshiongo­lo, were denied bail by the Protea magistrate ’ s court in September.

 ?? /VELI NHLAPO ?? The community of Eldorado Park marched this week to mark the National Down Syndrome Day.
/VELI NHLAPO The community of Eldorado Park marched this week to mark the National Down Syndrome Day.

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