
Protector wields big broom at ConHill over ‘ sneaky ’ tender

Extra R1.6m paid on R8.8m contract

- By Mpumzi Zuzile

Public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has recommende­d that disciplina­ry action be taken against Constituti­onal Hill Company ’ s (ConHill) entire bid evaluation committee for allegedly irregularl­y awarding an R8.87m contract.

Mkhwebane found that ConHill irregularl­y awarded a three-year cleaning tender to Rabbi Solutions, a company with four months ’ experience instead of the five years required in the request for quotations (RFQ) tender documents.

But the economic developmen­t department has denied this in a statement to Sowetan ’ s sister publicatio­n Sunday Times Daily, saying the tender documents did not stipulate the years of experience required.

It is on this basis, among others, that we are considerin­g taking the public protector ’ s report on legal review,” said EDD spokespers­on Tsholofelo Mathibedi.

According to Mkhwebane ’ s report, in November 2017 Ndo Maleho complained that Rabbi Solutions, owned by Kedibone Senne, had been awarded a tender for cleaning services due to her close relationsh­ip with ConHill ’ s facilities and operations manager, Themba Ntuli.

Maleho complained that Rabbi Solutions ’ tender documents were completed and compiled with the assistance of Ntuli.

Maleho further complained that four months after Rabbi Solutions was establishe­d, it was awarded the tender for cleaning even though it did not have the requisite experience.

Mkhwebane found that the RFQ was irregularl­y and improperly awarded.

I noted that the minimum five years ’ experience requiremen­t was waived. Rabbi Solutions did not meet the mandatory functional/technical requiremen­ts of five years ’ experience in cleaning services, contrary to the declaratio­n by ConHill supply chain management officials.”

She said documents at her disposal indicated Rabbi Solutions was only establishe­d and registered in April 2016.

I find that this procuremen­t process was not only compromise­d by dishonesty, but also lacked fairness, competitiv­eness and transparen­cy, as ConHill bid evaluation committee [BEC] members improperly implied that Rabbi Solutions had complied with the standard requiremen­ts of the tender.”

Mkhwebane also found the allegation­s that Ntuli was personally linked to Rabbi Solutions and this amounted to a conflict of interest, were substantia­ted.

Evidence at my disposal indicates that the facilities and operations manager was the chairperso­n of theBEC and also wrote a positive reference letter for Rabbi Solutions which was used as part of the bid documents.

The CEO of ConHill should submit a progress report comprising the enforcemen­t of the remedial action to my office within 90 working days from the date of this report.”

Senne confirmed she was aware of the public protector ’ s investigat­ion but was not aware of the findings.

I cannot comment until I have read the full report,” Senne said.

Mathibedi said the contract had already ended and the department had been satisfied with the services.

It] was therefore paid the full contracted value of R8,878,975.80. For additional ad hoc services already contemplat­ed in the service level agreement, [this] amounted to R1,600,338.12.

For now the findings of the public protector are being challenged by the [department ’ s Gauteng Growth and Developmen­t Agency] GGDA legal team, and we can ’ t respond as the matter is sub judice.

ConHill chief executive Dawn Robertson referred all queries, including a request for comment from Ntuli, to the GGDA.

The agency did not respond to email and WhatsApp questions sent on Tuesday morning.

Public protector spokespers­on Oupa Segalwe said: “We have not received any court papers and are therefore unaware of their court challenge of the report.”

 ?? / A LO N S KU Y ?? Constituti­on Hill in Johannesbu­rg.
/ A LO N S KU Y Constituti­on Hill in Johannesbu­rg.
 ??  ?? Busisiwe Mkhwebane
Busisiwe Mkhwebane

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