
22 years later, families displaced by Nandoni Dam are to be compensate­d

Villagers to be ‘ paid by Christmas’

- By GroundUP

The families affected by the constructi­on of Nandoni Dam, outside Thohoyando­u, who have been fighting for compensati­on for over two decades, are to be paid by December, according to deputy minister of water and sanitation David Mahlobo.

At a meeting in Thohoyando­u, Venda, on Tuesday, Mahlobo promised that villagers whose issues were not complicate­d would be paid by Christmas. He said he would return to check progress in mid-November. “I apologise on behalf of the government but please be patient. Judge us from the progress we are making now,” said Mahlobo.

A total of 33 villages were affected when constructi­on started on Nandoni Dam in Limpopo in 1998. Villagers lost cropland and fruit orchards and 405 homesteads had to be relocated. Among the villages affected are Ha-Budeli, HaMutoti, Ha-Mphego, Tshiulungo­ma, Tshitombon­i, Tshaulu, Dididi and Mulenzhe.

The families approached the public protector to demand compensati­on and the public protector gave instructio­ns for remedial action in 2006 and again in 2009. But the villagers ’ complaints have still not been addressed and some, who used to farm, are now forced to live on social grants.

The Tuesday meeting followed a meeting in March when Mahlobo agreed to fasttrack the process of compensati­on. He set up a help desk and appointed a company to determine the validity of the claims and the amount of compensati­on to be paid.

The leaders of the Nandoni Complaints Resolution Committee, which represents about 1,400 claimants, Solomon Baloyi and Gilbert Netshivham­be, expressed satisfacti­on. “I am happy with what the deputy minister promised.

As long as he monitors the process and makes sure officials in his department work, I now have no doubt we are going to be compensate­d,” said Baloyi.

But not all the villagersw­ere as optimistic. Demanding the chance to speak at the end of the Tuesday meeting, Edward Sadiki from Bungeni village asked: “Why does the government keep on postponing paying us? This has taken too long a time and we are tired of this.”

 ?? /ELIJAR MUSHIANA ?? A fisherman passes the crocodiles-infested and overflowin­g Nandoni Dam outside Thohoyando­u.
/ELIJAR MUSHIANA A fisherman passes the crocodiles-infested and overflowin­g Nandoni Dam outside Thohoyando­u.

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