
Mantsho brand branches into décor

Rugs a natural choice for new design chapter

- By Thango Ntwasa

There are many ways in which designers explore femininity in fashion – whether it ’ s the wild exotic colours of Italian luxury brand Versace or the high-end go-getters from French couturier Chanel.

It is SA ’ s Palesa Mokubung who takes the matriarcha­l bull by its horns and designs powerful collection­s season after season that embrace delicate statement dressing for women of different shapes and sizes.

In the past 16 years, Mokubung has continued the legacy of her ardent artist father through her signature prints and staunch educator of a mother through her fashion mentorship under her brand Mantsho.

However, Mokubung ’ s current exploit is her collection of rugs created through collaborat­ion with a décor company.

It has been my dream to feature in the field of home décor. Mantsho is a very downto-earth and grounded brand, therefore rugs were a natural choice to begin with. We ’ re starting a new chapter and we really want to do it from the ground up,” says Mokubung.

This is a natural step for Mokubung to take considerin­g collaborat­ions has been a key for brands to step into a new world combining their following and expertise and brewing a new product.

This is the beginning of my brand ’ s foray into décor and I hope to diversify in product design within this lifestyle but for now what ’ s next is to continue working and pursuing projects that are meaningful and that feel authentic to my brand and are from my heart.”

The eclectic rugs feature Mokubung ’ s signature Mantsho flower logo in a range of colours including Mantsho Gold and Mantsho Ocean.

In the past year, a pre-Covid world has been leaning towards Mokubung ’ s venture.

More luxury brands like Versace and Gucci have been performing exponentia­lly through décor design, while the millennial andGen Z market has proven keen to curate designer décor at home in addition to wearing labels on the streets – a market Mokubung keeps in mind.

 ??  ?? Mantsho rethinks design with
‘ fashion floor art ’.
Mantsho rethinks design with ‘ fashion floor art ’.
 ?? / SUPPLIED ?? Palesa Mokubung
/ SUPPLIED Palesa Mokubung

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