
New referee sponsorshi­p boost

Safa boss feels partnershi­p will expedite arrival of VAR in domestic football

- By Neville Khoza

After entering into a five-year partnershi­p with Multi Choice for the developmen­t of referees in SA, Safa president Danny Jordaan said this would help them accelerate their progress towards the introducti­on of the video assistant referee (VAR) system in SA in the next three years.

Show max became the sole Safa official referees ’ sponsor and the match officials will nowbe called the Show max Safa referees.

Speaking during the announceme­nt at Super Sport studios in Randburg yesterday, Jordaan said the partnershi­p will improve the standard of refereeing at all levels in the country.

“I have just seen the vision 2020 to 2023 of Fifa and in there they refer toan important aspect of technology implementa­tion and, of course, that includes VAR,” Jordaan said.

“Part of that vision says Fifa must ensure that all technology is accessible to all member associatio­ns regardless of size or financial standing. So we can expect in the next three years therewould be accelerate­d progress in integratin­g technology, including VAR, in the referees in SA.”

“What we have to ensure is that the quality of training is sufficient to empower these referees to participat­e at a global level.

This new relationsh­ip will assist Safa with its referees ’ programme, which will focus on improving the quality of football officiatin­g and feeding the talent pipeline.

It will assist in ensuring that referees and match officials are kept abreast of the latest innovation­s and techniques available to best enforce the rules of the game.

“I think the partnershi­p comes at the right time because this is the time of greater integratio­n of technology into the sport of football,” Jordaan said.

“This partnershi­p between us, Showmax and Multi Choice will make a significan­t difference to the most important aspect of the game. The preparatio­ns and training of match officials will remain the major focus of this partnershi­p.”

The agreement includes a redesigned and rebranded referees ’ kit.

 ?? /SYDNEY S E S H I B E D I / GA L LO I M AG E S ?? Danny Jordaan president of SAFA.
/SYDNEY S E S H I B E D I / GA L LO I M AG E S Danny Jordaan president of SAFA.

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