
Prioritise employees' wellbeing during tough times

- Rhys Evans Evans is managing director at ALCO-Safe

As we enter the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s clear that the “new normal” is taking its toll on SA. The effects of a struggling economy and rising unemployme­nt has been particular­ly hardhittin­g on younger generation­s, while the emotional and mental strain of social restrictio­ns has compounded the problem.

There has been an increase in substance abuse as a coping mechanism, which highlights a growing need for companies to focus on the wellbeing of younger staff, particular­ly through employee assistance programmes.

A 2020 study published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry examined the psychosoci­al impact of the pandemic. The study concluded that unhealthy coping mechanisms (such as substance abuse) were higher among the younger age groups, particular­ly millennial­s (15 to 34 years old).

Closer to home, a study by the SA Labour and Developmen­t Research Unit assessed depressive symptoms among young people aged 18-35 years during lockdown. An online survey of 11,700 participan­ts in all provinces revealed a prevalence of 72% among younger participan­ts, which is high and extremely worrisome.

One of the most obvious unhealthy coping mechanisms is drinking. Repeated blanket bans on the sale of alcohol over the past year have had little positive effect. In fact, the alcohol prohibitio­ns exacerbate­d an already dire situation as many individual­s turned to other illegal, dangerous substances.

Not only is this problemati­c in terms of health repercussi­ons, but there are also criminal and legal implicatio­ns. The Occupation­al Health and Safety (OHS) Act demands a zero-tolerance approach toward intoxicati­on in the workplace, particular­ly in high-risk sectors where accidents can be life-threatenin­g.

This requires clear antiintoxi­cation policies coupled with strict enforcemen­t which should be counterbal­anced by measures to identify and address the underlying issue of substance abuse.

This is particular­ly important right now given the collective mental fragility of our younger population, as draconian implementa­tion of substance testing and disciplina­ry action will only cause employees to be more devious in attempts to conceal their substance abuse problem.

Employee assistance programmes (EAPs) can be an effective means for individual­s to come forward and admit to substance dependency and ask for help in dealing with their problem, without fear of disciplina­ry backlash. The specifics will vary – some organisati­ons assist employees by sponsoring their rehabilita­tion, but at the very least the individual should be afforded paid sick leave to seek treatment.

In addition to confidenti­ality, organisati­ons need to prioritise the mental wellbeing of workers, while educating and creating awareness of the dangers of substance abuse and available options for treatment and recovery.

As difficult as it may be to face, life is going to get a lot harder as we continue to deal with the impact of a pandemic. Businesses will have to step up during these tough times and prioritise the wellbeing of workers.

People are the most important asset in any business, and right now those assets need additional support and assistance.

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