
Better to be an eagle than parrot


Every successful person has overcome hard times and hurdles before. Never be ashamed of your hustle and struggle.

Work past it. Always remember you have a family to feed and not a community to please. People are going to talk, irrespecti­ve of whether you do good or bad. So do what makes you happy.

Your goal shouldn’t be to be better than anyone else, but better than your previous self. Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times because they can only make you stronger. Don’t let the storm on the outside get to your inside. Rise above it.

When you are alone, mind your thoughts. When you are with people, mind your tongue. When you are angry, watch your temper. When you are in trouble, mind your emotions.

And when God starts blessing you, mind your ego. There are also things not be ashamed of. Old clothes don’t define your talent. Be proud of your poor friends because there is no status in friendship. Don’t be ashamed of your old parents because you are who and what you are today because of them.

You must be like an eagle as opposed to a parrot. The latter talks too much but can’t fly high. But an eagle is silent, though it has the ability to almost touch the sky. The risk you are afraid to take today could change your life. There is nothing permanent in this world, not even our troubles. Do not lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Life has no remote. You need to get up and change it yourself!

Samuel Radebe, Heilbron

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