
Amabherete to be deployed in Finetown

Cele says poorly lit streets contribute to high crime

- By Noxolo Sibiya

Police minister Bheki Cele says lack of electricit­y in Finetown, south of Joburg, exacerbate­s crime in the area.

Cele, who visited the area yesterday where seven people were shot dead on Saturday night. He told residents that the crime would not have happened had there been lighting in the area.

“If the lights were on, I am certain that the incident that took place here wouldn’t have happened. I am told that this place gets so dark that you can’t even see the person you are walking with, so that needs to be fixed.

“Your new premier Panyaza [Lesufi] is trying, he said he’d try and find a way for Eskom to have some places be with electricit­y,” he said.

A group of robbers opened fire on street vendors during a robbery on corner Beatrice and Phillips streets. Four people were also injured.

During Cele’s visit, members of the community complained about rampant crime in the area, saying they often hear gunshots without any reaction from Ennerdale police, who they accused of reacting hours after Saturday shooting.

“When you call to report a crime, sometimes they [police] don’t even come. All we are asking for is protection from our police because it is common knowledge that we do not have any police here. We’re the forgotten area,” a resident said.

Cele promised to deploy the special task force, known as “Amabherete”, to fight crime in the area.

“They [Amabherete] will clean up the place. Allow them to do their job of helping us flush out criminals from this place. We are not going to tell you how and when we are going to do it, but something must be done about this place.

“I told the police that they must find the people who were responsibl­e for the shooting. Dead or alive, they must be found,” he said.

A team of investigat­ors comprising crime intelligen­ce, detectives from serious and violent crime units as well as forensic investigat­ors are said to be working around the clock to find the shooters.

Residents also complained about walking long distances to access services at Ennerdale police station, about 5km from Finetown. Cele said: “A mobile police station will be brought here on Monday.”

He said that in two weeks he would call an imbizo. “It is important that we speak with the community because we also believe that some of you know these criminals. Some community members choose to protect these criminals.”

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