
Veteran adds special flavour

Motloung lands big role on popular novella ‘The Wife’

- By Patience Bambalele

Seasoned TV and stage actor Sello Motloung has landed a role in the Showmax’s series, The Wife.

Last year he shared his frustratio­n about the lack of opportunit­ies for senior actors like him, but now he is part of the new season of The Wife that was officially launched on Sunday at Inanda, Sandton.

The thespian, who is bestknown for his role as Sajene Kokobela in a Sotho drama series, also got a role around August last year in The Estate.

He was revealed as a new face of the show, along with the likes of Wiseman Mncube and singer Stoan Seate.

In the new series of The Wife, which starts on Thursday, he plays the role of the King of Bafokeng known as Kgosi Montsho. Motloung describes his character as a rich man who owns mines.

“The king’s role has a big impact on the whole story line. He is the father of Naledi, a very independen­t and highly educated princess. She wants to marry someone that the chief does not approve of and that will bring conflict between the two. Naledi just wants a life away from the royal house and to just be herself.”

As much as things have been opening up for Motloung, he struggles to fathom why TV stories do not feature older actors. He argues that if they get featured it is mostly in sitcoms where they play funny roles.

“It is quite unfortunat­e in our country that acting and main roles are seen as something for young actors.

“I looked up to people like Owen Sejake, Ramolao Makhene and Arthur Molepo who were there way before me. Lately, there is a belief older actors hold back the story.

“Yet, when you look at Hollywood, Nollywood and England, senior actors anchor the story, and make the story far more relevant, Soweto-born actor added.

 ?? ?? Sello Motloung as king in ‘The Wife’.
Sello Motloung as king in ‘The Wife’.

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