
Maela urges Bucs teammates to keep up the pressure

‘We have to build on this, definitely’

- By Neville Khoza

Orlando Pirates captain Innocent Maela has urged his teammates to build on their MTN8 success by being consistent in the DStv Premiershi­p matches.

The Buccaneers lifted the MTN8 title on Saturday after edging AmaZulu 1-0 in the final in Durban, but they have been blowing hot and cold in league matches.

Maela, who sat out the final due to an injury, said they have proved that they are capable of achieving things and want to see the same commitment in league matches.

“We have to build on this, definitely,” Maela said.

“We’ve set the tone and the tempo for ourselves as it is up to us to challenge ourselves and keep going and see how far we can go.

“Every team needs to be consistent for them to achieve things. We’ve been inconsiste­nt in this campaign, but remember, the coach (Jose Riveiro) is new.

I think this is only his fourth month, so we will get to that* level where we play consistent­ly and become unstoppabl­e. We believe in the process, but it will take time.”

For claiming this gong for the fourth time (after winning it in 2010, 2011, and 2020), Pirates will get to keep it forever in their cabinet as MTN revealed that they would design a new one for the coming seasons.

“It’s an honour to be part of the group to have achieved that, but also, we need to give credit to the other generation and other players that have achieved the trophy before us.

“They allowed us the opportunit­y to take this trophy to our office forever. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible. We are proud to be part of this group to take this trophy home.

People who know my story, where I started and the journey that I travelled, and for me to get into this moment, it’ sa dream come true.

“I’m extremely happy, but also maintain no matter the moment, it is about the team and not the individual. Maybe after my career, I will reflect and say ‘I never thought I would get into that moment’...”

Pirates next face Kaizer Chiefs in the Carling Cup on Saturday.

 ?? /DARREN STEWART/GALLO IMAGES ?? Orlando Pirates skipper Innocent Maela, right, shouts with joy after the trophy ceremony following their win over AmaZulu on Saturday.
/DARREN STEWART/GALLO IMAGES Orlando Pirates skipper Innocent Maela, right, shouts with joy after the trophy ceremony following their win over AmaZulu on Saturday.

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