Sunday Times



1 Sunflowers Choose are a sunny best sown spot straight and remove into all the weeds ground with where a trowel they are or hand going fork.

2 If the lightly soil in looks and hard rake and the soil heavy to a or fine powdery, crumbly add texture. a bag of compost.

3 Make some drills 12mm deep. Leave a 10cm space between each hole.

4 Place the seeds in carefully and cover them up with soil. Firm down gently and water with a gentle spray.

5 As the seedlings grow, thin them out to about 45cm apart, leaving the strongest, tallest plants.

6 Slugs, snails and cutworms like to eat seedlings. Protect them with plastic bottles — simply cut the top off and place it over the seedling, without the cap.

7 As your sunflower begins to grow taller, you may need to support the stem. Place a stick or bamboo cane near the stem and tie them together loosely with string.

8 Water them regularly and watch them grow higher and higher . . .

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