Sunday Times

My Kind of Holiday


Where did you spend your last holiday? In Plett with my children in January. What was the best thing you did while there? Relaxed totally, read books and spent quality time with my children and good friends.

Your favourite city abroad and why? Venice a few years ago was magical. I loved the little narrow alleys, restaurant­s along the waterways and St Mark’s Square and all the amazing architectu­re everywhere.

What must a first-time visitor see there? There’s so much to see, but all the brides having their photos taken on St Mark’s Square were absolutely delightful.

What should they not bother with?

I wouldn’t swim in the canals.

What was your best holiday, ever? My last holiday. I had all three of my children together — December 1999 — just before my son lost his battle with leukaemia.

And your worst yet? What happened? Once in the Eastern Cape when I arrived with my baby and family and found the cottage had holes in the ceiling, (so you could see the sky or stars) spiderwebs everywhere and there was a snake in the bathroom. Who would be your fantasy holiday companion and why? George Clooney would be good — what woman wouldn’t want to spend a holiday with him?

Your favourite restaurant, anywhere?

I love the Noisy Oyster in Paternoste­r. One place you want to see before you die? Michelange­lo’s ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. Have you had any embarrassi­ng moments as a traveller? Having to unpack my suitcase on the floor in a crowded airport in France as my baggage was over the required weight and I had to ask my friend to help out.

What do you avoid on holiday?

Crowded beaches. One travel destinatio­n you would call “never again”? None. I have worked too hard and not holidayed enough, so I still have so much I want to see and do.

Tina Botha is CEO of The Sunflower Fund. Visit www.sunflowerf­ for details.

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