Sunday Times


- Linda Shaw

CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22) The planet of hot tempers, outrageous desires and extraordin­ary creative surges has arrived. It could turn you into a grumpy old toad. Or you could finally allow your inner Picasso to grow wings and fly. It’s a question of getting out of your head, moving out of your own way, and allowing the magic to come to you.

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LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Finances are on the up. However it happens, always accept any gift from the universe, and always be grateful. As for love, the planets are stirring up ancient feelings you thought you’d buried. Most of it is so old, you’ve forgotten what it was about. It’s a chance to mend your tattered heart and start again with a new understand­ing of love. At last.


Leo to 31899 to register VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Your options: take the lead at work; find a new love; commit to that relationsh­ip; clarify your wishes so they can come true. You don’t have to work so hard. If you believe you deserve it, the universe will have it stamped and packaged before you can say:“I don’t believe it.” Try to avoid ever saying that. The universe is very literal and will remove anything you don’t believe possible.

•SMS HS Vir to 31899 to register LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Looking for work? Selling your wares? There’s no better time, as long as you get all your ducks in a row first. Ground yourself. Don’t worry if your love life seems to be going south. Your priorities are shifting as you finally learn to put your own needs first. Selfishnes­s is only bad if it hurts someone else. Take charge.

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SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21) The career lights up as the planets shove your success energies forward. Even so, don’t expect anything big for a while. New energies take time to settle. Try not to fight with anyone until you’re sure what you’re fighting about. That massive ego is sabotaging your progress. Keep it quiet until after the full moon and then make your move.

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SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Unconventi­onal liaisons are distractin­g you from your life. So don’t be surprised if everyone starts lecturing you about your odd behaviour. You, of course, will be lost in a whirl of wildness and oblivious to the consequenc­es. Fortunatel­y, money and work are okay, so have a ball. By next month, you’ll be paying for all your mistakes. Try to limit them.

•SMS HS Sag to 31899 to register CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) There’s some deep thinking going on in your head — so deep that it’s almost unconsciou­s. But it’s disturbing you, possibly in dreams or flashes of fear. Try not to push these thoughts aside. Write them down, find patterns, get help. There are lots of people who’d really like to see you succeed. Learn to trust. Start with yourself.

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AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) This is the week for compliment­s, flirtation­s and as many new admirers as you can cope with. So get gorgeous. If you want someone else to admire your body, you have to believe there’s something to admire about it. People see what you project. Meanwhile, aim for a promotion at work. Something interestin­g is lurking in the wings.

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PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Family friction could be driving you to drastic behaviour, especially if you’re arguing over money. No use crawling back into your little hole, hoping the problem will go away. Besides, you’re not entirely alone. Love is going well enough for you to share your burdens and even accept advice. Be open. Change only comes when you open the door. Windows too.

•SMS HS Pis to 31899 to register ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19) You’ve taken a couple of knocks. You’ve even been forced to wonder whether the fault hasn’t occasional­ly been yours. No, you’re not being punished, the planets are simply asking you to temporaril­y pull in the reins and refocus. Your ego is a problem. You need a reality check. By next week, the planets will be back on track.

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TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20) You’re trying to be gracious and charming, but basically you’re just bulldozing your way through. You simply won’t take no for an answer, will you? Which is fine, in that no one’s going to push you around. But don’t expect to make too many friends either. Try thinking ahead. Even you need a pal now and then.

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GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) With the help of your contacts, you’ll soon be happily hurtling off in a new direction. Better take care of your health. There are signs of burnout, which could lead to mistakes. There may be some family glitches too. Use your youthful charm to avoid a war. Better still, wait for next week before making any mad decisions. And remember to smile.

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