Sunday Times

Disease transmitte­d by tick bite


THE mere mention of Congo fever sends shivers down one’s spine — and with good reason: the disease claims the lives of 10% to 40% of infected people.

Crimean-Congo haemorrhag­ic fever causes its carrier to bleed out through every orifice. People become sick within one to nine days after exposure to the virus. The symptoms include severe fevers, muscle ache, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Patients often develop a rash and may bruise easily, vomit blood or have gum and nose bleeds, or pass blood through their stool and urine.

There can be internal bleeding, including in the brain or the lungs. Patients can slip into a coma from organ failure and death occurs within five to 14 days.

Congo fever has been widely reported in Africa and in South Africa. It is transmitte­d by the Hyalomma tick, known in South Africa as the “bontpoot” tick, which thrives in the arid northweste­rn parts such as the Karoo and the western Free State.

People can be infected through a bite from an infected tick, or if fluid from a tick enters into a cut or graze on the skin or splashes into the eye, nose or mouth.

Infections can also occur by coming into contact with infected animals. This places farmers, herders, abattoir workers, veterinari­ans and hunters at high risk.

Cases of Congo fever have been reported in South Africa since 1981, when it was first identified. According to the National Institute for Communicab­le Diseases, about 20 cases are diagnosed in South Africa each year.

The World Health Organisati­on rates the fatality rate at 10% to 40%.

Patients who recover usually show sudden improvemen­t on the 10th day, but they should refrain from intimate contact with others for six weeks.

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