Sunday Times

THROUGH THE KEYHOLE WITH . . . RONEL JORDAAN Textile designer & RJT director


Where do you live? Ferndale. What’s the first thing you do when you get home? Hug my Out dogs. in Your best way to entertain? the food garden and better with wine. friends, family, good Describe your decor style in a few

European, words. Eclectic, Asian. old and new, African,

Who are your icons?

The Campana brothers, So Charles many! and Ray Eames, Mies van der Rohe . . . What’s the oldest item in your

home? Probably my greatgrand­mother’s hand-knotted and embroidere­d lace shawl. So delicate, beautiful and handmade.

Your personal motto? Carpe diem

(seize the day).

Guilty pleasure? Lots of filter coffee

and red wine.

Your favourite era for art? Post-impression­ism and art right now — there are so many talented artists today. What music is topping your playlist

at home? Jazz and classical, loudly. What’s your favourite calming

fragrance? Jasmine. What do you remember best of the

house you grew up in? The garden and our Jack Russell sitting on the bonnet of our Land Rover waiting for us to arrive home. If your house could be instantly airlifted into another suburb in South Africa, which would it be and

why? I often dream of this and can’t decide. I’m divided between the bush with a river in front and a koppie at the back, with the smells and sounds of the bush, or a beachfront house with the smells and sounds of the sea.

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