Sunday Times

Refs ‘not being properly trained’


ACCLAIMED former referee Ace Ncobo has leapt to the defence of match officials who are under severe attack from coaches, pundits and the football public.

Criticism of the whistlemen has been scathing at times, but Ncobo holds a different view.

‘‘You cannot solely blame the referees for the problems in the officiatin­g of games,” says Ncobo.

‘‘They are being asked to take care of profession­al matches whereas they are amateurs. You cannot ask a university first-year law student to sit on a Bench of the Constituti­onal Court and handle vexing cases.

‘‘We’ve come a long way from the time when there was no profession­al league. We’ve managed to grow the PSL as a brand and, by and large, our league is run very profession­ally. But the referees are still amateur. Most of the officials hold day jobs. I started as an amateur and retired as an amateur.”

Bloemfonte­in Celtic coach Clinton Larsen and Free State Stars’ Steve Komphela are in hot water after the league took action regarding their comments last week about referees.

Larsen bemoaned poor officiatin­g after his team lost 3-1 to Mamelodi Sundowns last Sunday.

‘‘With referees like these who needs opponents?” Komphela asked after losing 4-1 to SuperSport.

But there are fundamenta­l problems plaguing officials.

‘‘Coaches were back in office to prepare for the new season two months ago. The officials went for assessment­s and fitness tests with only two weeks left before the season kicked off,” said Ncobo. ‘‘Now what kind of outcome should we expect? A lot needs to be done, but until referees turn profession­al we will continue to have such challenges.”

Another former PSL referee, Charl Theron, echoed Ncobo’s sentiments.

‘‘We need to create a profession­al structure which will hold referees to the highest standards. How can you have referees without employment contracts?” Theron asked.

‘‘Referees only train twice a year and there’s no system to hold them accountabl­e.

“They are not being adequately developed.”

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