Sunday Times

Brain test

- On Twitter @maydont

1. What does one typically do in a greenhouse? 2. Which country is known poetically as the Emerald Isle? 3. Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan starred in a film adaptation of a Stephen King book. Name the film. 4. In which board game would you find characters named Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet and the Reverend Green? 5. Which chemical gives leaves their green colour? 6. With which American band would you associate the songs American Idiot and Basket Case? 7. The song Green Green Grass of Home was sung by a variety of artists including Elvis, Joan Baez and Johnny Cash, but who took it to No 1 in 1966? 8. In which golfing event do winners don a green jacket? 9. Name the presenter of the talent show The Voice, who is also the lead singer of Gnarls Barkley. 10. The opera Aida was written to commemorat­e the opening of the Suez Canal. Who wrote the opera? 11. Who plays the role of Green Lantern in the DC Comics 2011 film? 12. Which of the following countries does not have green on its flag? A) Saudi Arabia; B) Turkey; C) Mexico; D) Kenya 13. Which liqueur is sometimes known as the “Green Fairy”? 14. Which colourful man is attributed to creating the first European settlement on Greenland? 15. Complete the opening line from the Edward Lear poem: “The owl and the pussy cat went to sea in a beautiful …” 16. If a tree is not “evergreen”, how would it be described in scientific terms? 17. In medicine, greenstick, transverse, oblique and comminuted are all types of what? 18. How many points is the green ball worth in snooker? A) 2; B) 3; C) 4; D) 5 19. Name the Greenpeace boat that was sunk by French intelligen­ce agents off New Zealand during a 1985 protest against French nuclear testing. 20. In which city is Graham Greene’s novel The Quiet

American primarily set? A) Beirut; B) Moscow; C) Saigon; D) Panama City

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