Sunday Times

Cats have a fit over rustling noises


IF you are ever irritated by the sound of your spouse crinkling a packet of crisps or rustling a newspaper, spare a thought for your cat.

Vets are investigat­ing an apparently new phenomenon whereby pet cats are suffering seizures triggered by everyday sounds around the house.

As well as being caused by the sounds of newspapers and crisps packets, the animals have been observed reacting to the clicking of a computer mouse, the tapping of a boiled egg and even the sound of a tin of cat food being opened. The phenomenon has also been triggered by the popping of pills from blister packs, the dropping of metal items on tiled floors or ceramic bowls and the hammering of nails, as well as the sounds of owners slapping their foreheads or clicking their tongues.

Research began after Internatio­nal Cat Care, a charity, began receiving reports from owners reporting the strange behaviour.

The charity passed on the accounts to a specialist veterinary centre, which is investigat­ing the issue with researcher­s from University College London. Experts at the organisati­ons believe the reaction is similar to reflex epilepsy in humans.

The vets are seeking more cases to enable them to uncover the trends behind the reactions.

The team also want to conduct tests to see whether there is anything in the genetic makeup of cats that make some animals more likely to suffer soundinduc­ed seizures. They believe this could lead to a greater understand­ing of similar conditions in humans. —

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