Sunday Times


US shrinks claim the secret to a happy marriage is a placid woman, but Italianbor­n Cristina Odone loudly curses them as a bunch of know-nothing fools


IT was breakfast and already I wanted to throw something at someone. Anyone. With nothing to hand, I simply shouted instead: “Self-serving male clap-trap!”

The husband took no notice. The children continued chomping their Cheerios. The reason for my early morning outburst? A study that breezily claimed “a calm wife is the secret to a happy marriage”.

In our household, everyone is used to the temperamen­tal wife. The neighbours, too, have learnt to ignore my high-decibel outbursts: when I give my spouse a piece of my mind, they carry on pruning the hedges rather than rush inside to report a domestic. Scientists, however, warn that my fiery character threatens our marriage. Psychologi­sts at Berkeley College in California claim that an unflappabl­e wife ensures a long-lasting union. But let her be a combative sort, and the relationsh­ip is doomed.

Discerning readers may like to note here that the onus, as ever, is on the wife. Not a word do the experts utter about my husband’s infuriatin­g rationalis­ations. “It is not a conspiracy that the shop is shut when you need it. Opening hours are 10 to six.” Not a whisper about his monosyllab­ic replies. Nor a single mention of his superior demeanour when he studies my uninhibite­d fury.

None of this matters a jot, according to the researcher­s: if our marriage derails, it’s because I’ve driven him away with my temper.

It seems a touch unfair that one half of the marital equation should bear sole responsibi­lity for things going wrong. Especially when that half is, as I am, Italian and programmed to raise her voice and flash her eyes at the first whiff of contradict­ion.

“She’s a hot-blooded Latin,” the husband utters, shrugging off my cross words as if they were idioms lost in translatio­n. “This,” he scolds me on those rare occasions he chooses to engage with my argument, “may all be very well in the back streets of Rome, but in England we settle our difference­s the civilised way.”

Civilised? Constipate­d, more like. I cannot bear the passive-aggressive behaviour resorted to by English women when engaged in a confrontat­ion with their other half. The wounded looks, the victim sighs; they pretend self-control only to induce tremendous guilt in their wimpy men. It’s a performanc­e that never fails to exasperate.

Trying to quash genuine feelings may make for a quiet life but who wants to squeak like a mouse when she can roar like a lioness?

Why bite your lip, or count to 10, or employ a host of other gimmicks to suppress your negative emotions? Let them out! Forget Anglo-Saxon stoicism, which only leads to pent-up fury and secret resentment gnawing at your insides. Embrace the Mediterran­ean way, where, with hands waving and eyes rolling, the wife indulges freely in her disappoint­ment, or her fury. That’s honesty, Italian-style.

It is neither natural nor necessary for a wife to always coo at, and comply with, her husband. Serene submission to his every whim spoils the man in the short run and, worse still for any marriage, risks boring him in the long run. Anger, raw and unbridled, can produce a real frisson of sexual excitement. Who wants to sleep with a woman who is as challengin­g as a wet-nosed labrador?

But most worrying, how sad to see highly respected California­n scientists peddling the age-old prejudice against women of spirit.

In Greek mythology, Zeus’s wife Hera was portrayed as a nag because she gave him hell for his philanderi­ng. Chaucer mocked his Wife of Bath for her loud mouth and assertive ways. But it took Shakespear­e to draw the most unforgivin­g portrait of the fiery wife. In The Taming of

the Shrew, the Bard portrayed Kate as a fishwife in need of a lesson, and he gave her husband free rein to do so. It takes him three acts, but by the end Petruchio has so humiliated our girl, there’s no fight left in her.

But forget the play-acting. In real life, the kind of man who would plump for a Stepford Wife cannot believe that women are his equals. He treats them as a Victorian paterfamil­ias would his children — to be seen and not heard. In this husband’s eyes, any challenge to his authority sparks outrage: how very dare she? Marriage becomes a contract between a free man and a cowed woman. Now science, it seems, is happy to endorse such misogyny. Shame on you, Berkeley. What next for your findings? The logical conclusion, surely, would be to call for the return of the Victorian coffin-shaped contraptio­n designed to keep feisty women at bay. Its name? The wife-tamer. —©

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ZERO TOLERANCE: Salma Hayek as Frida Kahlo
 ??  ?? WOLF WOMEN: Zeus and Hera; and Shakespear­e’s male point of view in The Taming of the Shrew
WOLF WOMEN: Zeus and Hera; and Shakespear­e’s male point of view in The Taming of the Shrew
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