Sunday Times


Oscar Pistorius and the new water cooler


Are you a saver or a spender?

I’m definitely a spender. What is your biggest extravagan­ce?

I probably spend the most money on running. Between new running shoes, vests and out-of-town races like the Two Oceans Marathon and the Comrades, it all adds up. What is the best thing you've spent money on?

Our house. It gave me a great sense of security. Do you invest in shares or other assets?

I’d like to invest in shares and trade the market, but I don’t feel I have enough knowledge and have always thought that you need millions to play the market. We are investigat­ing the possibilit­y of getting a second property as an investment. I believe property is something I could do well at. What local goods and services do you miss most when you are overseas?

Mageu and, for some strange reason, tellers at South African grocery stores — their service can be poor, but once you talk to them a bit I find them to be genuinely warm in a way that overseas tellers aren’t. Cash or card?

Card. I rarely carry cash, which is why I sometimes struggle to keep track of my spending. Do you tip easily or do your waiters and waitresses have to work hard for you?

I never tip less than 10%, even when the service is bad. And if it’s good then I tip more. My wife is the enforcer and has to curb my tipping enthusiasm. Have you ever been really short of cash?

Yes, just after buying our house. The transfer fees and lawyer fees were far more than I expected. What is the most lucrative job you have ever done? What did you do with the cash?

Nothing, really. My windfall of cash usually comes after a few MC gigs. I usually just use the money to pay debt. Do you give money to beggars?

A few — the ones that live around my house, because I see them regularly and I feel like I know them. What is the most important lesson you have learnt about money?

Pay yourself before anyone else and save for a rainy day. I learnt about saving the hard way. Do you have a financial adviser, or do you look after your own finances?

I look after my own finances, but I do have someone that helps me to choose insurance, policies, retirement annuities and the like. What did your childhood teach you about money?

Start good money habits early. My poor spending habits started as a child. It was difficult to correct them. If you won R10-million, what would you spend it on?

I’d pay off my debt and start a small sports media business. Where in the world would you most like to own a home?

Manaus, Brazil, so I could be close to the Amazon rainforest. Where could you never be paid enough to live?

India. The stark difference­s between rich and poor would really affect me. It hurts me to see beggars.

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