Sunday Times

‘Gay pigs’ cleric probed

Homophobic columnist taken to task


A DEROGATORY column by a Muslim cleric that equated homosexual­s to pigs and mules is being investigat­ed by the South African Human Rights Commission.

Moulana Khalid Dhorat, a columnist for Muslim Watch, a newsletter distribute­d in Gauteng and parts of Durban, penned an article last month in which he blamed gay men for the spread of the HIV virus and labelled homosexual­ity an “addictive vice” like “drugs, wine and pornograph­y”.

Dhorat said the introducti­on of unisex clothing and loud colours in the fashion world were also responsibl­e for the increase in homosexual behaviour.

He added that homosexual­s would choose “filth over fish” and “drain water over fresh orange juice”.

“They are like pigs that enter into a beautiful rose garden. Instead of smelling the fragrant roses and munching on the sweet petals, they will look for the manure in the sand and eat that instead.”

Dhorat did not respond to repeated attempts for comment.

The commission’s Isaac Mangena said its Gauteng branch would be investigat­ing the discrimina­tory views in the column.

“It is very worrying that, despite the progressiv­e laws prohibitin­g violence or any form of discrimina­tion against persons based on their sexual orientatio­n, we still have incidents where gays and lesbians are called names by their communitie­s and discrimina­ted against,” said Mangena.

“The commission will ... ensure that people are reminded about their rights and those of others, including gays and lesbians.”

Cape Town imam Muhsin Hendricks, founder of antihomoph­obia group The Inner Circle, said Dhorat’s view incited hatred towards a small group of people.

The organisati­on deals with cases of homophobia in the Muslim community.

Hendricks created it after coming out to his family.

“This problem is not confined to the Islamic faith, nor is it confined to Muslim homosexual­s.

“It is a problem that cuts across religions, communitie­s and states horizontal­ly and vertically.”

Hendricks said Dhorat’s statement that HIV was Allah’s punishment to homosexual­s was a “complete derelictio­n of social and religious responsibi­lity”.

“Dhorat’s arguments are out of keeping with a range of Koranic injunction­s which call upon us to produce proof when we make a statement.

“This clearly indicates that he has not done his homework.”

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