Sunday Times

Your Stars


Gameedah Abrahams August 3 1974 Cape Town, 05h30 Sun sign: Leo Moon sign: Aquarius Rising Sign: Cancer

Love is bound to be complicate­d with your mad energies. The Cancer wants security; the Aquarius wants freedom, and Leo wants glamour. So if you really want love, design your life so there’s an option for space whenever you need it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself making excuses to be alone. Since you’re at the beginning of your mid-life cycle, you get three years to redesign everything about your life. The next few years will be confusing but with your fantastic intellect, you’ll find imaginativ­e ways to rethink your dreams. One of your life purposes is to bring change to old, tired traditions. Trust yourself to be brilliant. Ask yourself what you want. You’re just in time to find out.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

At all costs, hide your money. Even from yourself. This is the moment when all appearance of control has flown out the window and you’re wondering what to do next. Your best bet would be to get yourself the kind of hairdo that looks good in the wind. Aside from that, sign nothing, agree to nothing, and make sure you have no idea how to access the credit card. Make full use of Saturday’s full moon to redesign your life.

CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22)

What’s the word on the career/job change? Not a bad idea if you’re thinking that way. If not, start planning some financial moves anyway. More money is on its way, but it will end up at the wrong door unless you clear the path. Even magic needs the odd direction pointer. And besides, if you keep insisting you want your wealth to go to the poor, that’s where it will go. The universe is very obedient. Make your wishes clear.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Fantasy is the mood of the moment, which could be good or bad. If you use it to convince yourself the world is revolving around your needs, problems could arise. But if you use it to find your creativity, and seduce your loved ones in new and exciting ways, this could be the week for you. Either way, no sitting about waiting for life to happen. The full moon is begging for direction. Let your desires be known.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Boundaries are needed now because without them you are likely to go wandering off in a series of square circles. So even if you don’t really know where you’re going, think about doing at least one constructi­ve thing at a time. This dilly energy will be gone before you know it — leaving you hopefully more relaxed and a more flexible. Use Saturday’s powerful full moon to plan next month’s moves.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Those extraordin­ary instincts are on a roll, so listen closely. If the inner murmurings are urging you to invest, sell, change career or take a giant leap of faith, hear and obey. While you’re at it, make sure you’ve got the appropriat­e outfit. After all, you want to be looking spectacula­r when falling in love — with your fabulous self. Remember, if you’re not willing to love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Just because someone told you never to retrace old steps, doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to occasional­ly break the rules. In which case, a revisit to that old job or relationsh­ip error might prove far more useful than you’d imagined. Especially if you’ve already made the kind of changes you had in mind. No gloating allowed, though. And if the visit is to be a short one, make sure it’s worthwhile.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your sockets have been charged up and everyone is more impressed than you can imagine. Think about business dinners and invitation­s to important places. Or, if you’re bored with the corporate melodrama, try for some intrigue. A secret love affair, or exotic business trip with the secretary is on the cards. Take care though. The planets are messing with your head. Confirm things before you leap.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The coming full moon has crammed your unaccustom­ed heart with profound emotion. No point trying to talk your way out of this one. So you might as well let yourself feel whatever you need to — and enrich yourself with the experience. Also, a moon this size wants you to complete unfinished business, walk away from anything no longer fulfilling — and get on with your life. You can do that, can’t you?

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Excitement is always a good word and, for now, let it be your word. For less courageous souls, the concept may conjure up fear of insecurity and loss. But not you. Your lateral little mind is accelerati­ng into new and unexplored spheres of discovery. Not the least, one might add, is the field of romance. But don’t restrict yourself. Whatever floats your boat. Most of all, get ready to change. Start with yourself.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Work gets complicate­d, leaving you wondering what’s next. Don’t think about making any decisions until well into next week, or even next month if you can manage to stall. Keep a low profile for a while. In which case, any mistakes you might make will remain unnoticed, along with your crumbling ego. If there are decisions to be made, trust your instincts. Your intellect is on temporary sabbatical. Better news soon.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

That wonderful optimism is starting to catch on. Even the doomsayers are wondering whether they should join your team. This is no time to lose your nerve. But if you’re determined to command the armies, you’d better have some idea where you’re taking them. A few advance plans, perhaps? If you’re unsure of your motives, tune in to your instincts. They’re working much better than your intellect this week.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

The romantic gift for the lover will only work if the sentiment is sincerely meant. Bribing someone to love you is not an option, especially if you’re only looking to decorate your arm with a gorgeous piece on legs. So behave. This is not like you. Perhaps you’d better distract yourself with that exciting new project and leave the love life alone for a spell. You’ve temporaril­y forgotten what the word means.

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