Sunday Times

‘My travelling life’


- — © Interview by Nick McGrath, The Daily Telegraph

How often do you travel?

I’ve travelled around the world too many times to mention but I don’t travel nearly as much now. My band and I tend to travel mostly in the summer, then we all return to our homes again for the winter and get to know our children again. Last year, I did 70 concerts in total and visited a lot of countries, including Tunisia, Israel, Australia, Japan and Indonesia.

What do you need for a perfect holiday?

To be back at home. Because I’ve been around the world so many times, going home is my ultimate holiday.

Your most memorable childhood holiday?

My first trip to New York when I was 10 years old was a bit scary. I was going to Manhattan to record my first record and it was the first time I ever went on a plane. I got sick because we were on one of those propeller planes that go up and down. My manager had to scrape me off the floor as I’d been sick everywhere.

Memorable places you’ve toured?

I always enjoy visiting England and Scotland. The British Isles are incredible. I like the mentality of the people and there are a lot of industrial towns that remind me of how life must have been before the Second World War. I really enjoyed visiting Hadrian’s Wall.

I also played at the inaugural Rock in Rio festival in 1985, and fell in love with Brazil. When I first arrived at the airport, there were thousands of people waiting for us and I thought they were my fans. But they were actually protesting against me, shouting, “Heavy metal! Heavy metal!” in Portuguese. They protested all day and followed us to the hotel.

But after our show, the next morning they were all shouting, “George Benson! George Benson!” and it was because I’d been the only artist at the gig to use local Brazilian musicians in my show. So, in the end, there were happy memories and Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful places on Earth

I once played a gig in Marbella, Spain, where we performed in a bullfighti­ng arena.

They opened it in the afternoon for a bullfight and, later in the day, we performed in a concert. By that time everybody was half drunk, so everything sounded good.

My band went to watch the bullfight, but got sick when they saw how gory it was. We’re not used to that level of gore where I’m from, so I’m glad I sat that one out.

Favourite hotel?

I love the Metropolit­an Hotel in London. I love that there’s no rigmarole and you can get in and out of there quickly. You’re in the elevator and then straight out onto the street. You don’t have to go through a big lobby before you get outside. They also have the Nobu restaurant, and just 10 minutes from the hotel is my favourite restaurant in the world, Mr Chow. So I’m very much at home when I’m there. I’m not an extravagan­t person. I like simplicity and everything is simple there. Hyde Park is right across the street and the Hard Rock Café is just around

the corner. It’s perfect.

Are you a nervous flier?

I’m not a thrill-seeker. To me, travelling is just a means of getting to a job, wherever that may be. Planes do sort of scare me, as you can never know what’s really happening. But the aircraft used today are a lot safer and better made than the ones I used to fly in when I first started travelling in the ’50s. They’ve got better engines, fly well, and hold together much better.

I’m not a fan of ships — they’re very confining for me. If I’m on a ship, people know exactly where my room is and they’ll all congregate and wait for autographs and you can’t let that happen all day long. No one can sign 3 000 autographs. It’s impossible.

Worst travel experience?

When I used to fly in those propeller-driven planes, the engines used to catch fire mid-air. I remember one time we landed at an airport in the middle of a desert in Texas after the plane caught fire and I seriously thought that was the end for me.

Favourite airline?

I like British Airways a lot, and US Airways, too. If I’m going long-haul I’ll go with British Airways as they’ve got a good reputation and they always look after me. When I’m down in Australia, I love Qantas.

Best piece of travel advice?

Avoid connecting flights. I don’t like having to take three planes to get to my destinatio­n when it’s possible to take one. When I’m going coast to coast in the States, I like one direct flight with no stopovers. I don’t like breaking up the journey halfway through, landing and taking off again.

What do you hate about holidays?

Nothing. I always try to see the positives in all my travel experience­s, especially when I’m flying. Once you’re on a plane, you’re in somebody else’s hands.

What has travelling taught you?

It’s allowed me to see how different people think and behave. It’s always interestin­g to see how people are politicall­y motivated in different countries. It does bother me that people still haven’t learnt how to get along and work out their difference­s. But I think my music can offer a lot of comfort, so I’ll keep doing it as long as I’m having a positive effect.

Where next?

I’ll be in Europe, where the first performanc­e of my summer tour will be in London.

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 ??  ?? WINDOW SEAT: Hyde Park is the view
WINDOW SEAT: Hyde Park is the view London
 ??  ?? UNFORGETTA­BLE: Tourists in Marbella, Spain, one of Benson’s most memorable places
UNFORGETTA­BLE: Tourists in Marbella, Spain, one of Benson’s most memorable places
 ?? Pictures: AFP ?? w from Benson’s favourite hotel, the Metropolit­an in
Pictures: AFP w from Benson’s favourite hotel, the Metropolit­an in

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