Sunday Times

Fight Club, Channel 194, Tuesday, 22:30


Many people can probably relate to this: I went to see the movie with a friend without knowing too much about it. Judging from the title and the promotiona­l posters, it seemed like a movie about a couple of dudes who get together to form an undergroun­d club in a seedy bar where they punch each other’s lights out for fun. And although that is part of the movie, it’s not what the movie is about.

And that’s what makes it so good. If you haven’t seen it — and haven’t had someone spoil it for you — I strongly recommend you give it a watch. It’s certainly one of the most surprising movies you’re likely to see.

The premise is that a jaded and unnamed everyman protagonis­t (Edward Norton), usually referred to by fans as the Narrator, suffers from insomnia probably brought on by the mundanity of his whitecolla­r job and consumeris­t ways.

On a business trip, he befriends a carefree soap maker named Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). After the Narrator’s apartment is blown up, he temporaril­y moves in with Tyler. During a heart-to-heart at a bar, they begin fist-fighting for fun, slowly attracting other jaded ne’erdo-wells. Eventually, they attract so many people that Tyler begins to turn their undergroun­d club into an organisati­on with bizarre rules.

I won’t say any more, except that you will not believe where the plot goes from here. Trying to comprehend it all on the first watch will probably make your brain dribble out of your ears, so I’d recommend two or three viewings. Then hop online to read the many, pages-long analyses of the film. But do not spoil it for yourself beforehand — trust me.

 ??  ?? MIND-BLOWING: Edward Norton in ’Fight Club’
MIND-BLOWING: Edward Norton in ’Fight Club’

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