Sunday Times

When Sally faked it, it took a long time coming


IT is one of the most famous sex scenes in film history, but it now seems that Meg Ryan needed help faking an orgasm in When Harry Met Sally— from a man.

The film’s director, Rob Reiner, has revealed that he had to coach the actress in how to pretend she was enjoying herself.

He said that Ryan was “nervous” on the set of the 1989 comedy and he wanted to put her at ease during the scene, in which she simulates an orgasm while sitting opposite co-star Billy Crystal in a diner.

Speaking ahead of the 25th anniversar­y of the classic film, Reiner said: “Obviously you’re in front of extras and all the crew members. So the first few times we did it, she did it kind of weakly. It was a little tepid.

“I said ‘look, let me show you what I want’ after a few takes that weren’t so good.”

The scene has become one of the most celebrated in Hollywood history — and has been parodied countless times in other films.

Reiner said: “I sat down opposite Billy and I’m sitting there and I’m pounding the table and yes, yes, yes, I’m doing the whole thing. “Meg then did way better.” Studies show that up to 80% of women fake an orgasm at some point during their lives. Women who took part in the research said that some did it to encourage their partner to do something they did not want to do, or just to boost his self-esteem.

Scientists have also suggested a number of ways to have a better orgasm, such as putting socks on to warm your feet. — © The Daily Telegraph, London

 ??  ?? OFF-SCREEN COACH: Meg Ryan turns heads as she starts gasping and clutching the table opposite Billy Crystal in the film classic ‘When Harry Met Sally’
OFF-SCREEN COACH: Meg Ryan turns heads as she starts gasping and clutching the table opposite Billy Crystal in the film classic ‘When Harry Met Sally’

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