Sunday Times

Brain test

- Trivia Tom Twitter: @maydont

1. If an engine has 745Watts of power it is said to have one unit of what?

2. He was the lover of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar’s right-hand man; he had the epithet “Master of the horses”. Who was he?

3. Which 1999 film saw Johnny Depp investigat­ing the mystery of a headless horseman?

4. Which Canadian city’s name literally means “royal horse mount”?

5. Which African animal’s name literally means “water horse”?

6. Name the Anne Sewell book that tells the story of a horse’s tribulatio­ns, but finally results in the horse finding a happy home.

7. “Wild Horses” was a big hit for which British band? A) Beatles; B) Troggs; C) Wet Wet Wet; D) Rolling Stones

8. In “The Lone Ranger” TV series, what was the name of the Lone Ranger’s horse?

9. Which French artist is best known for drawing the human body in motion as well as for his drawing, paintings and bronzes of ballerinas and race horses?

10. With which family of entertaine­rs would one associate the films “Animal Crackers”, “Horse Feathers” and “Duck Soup”?

11. What slimy animal shares its name with the underside of a horse’s hoof?

12. What was the famous nickname of 11-time South African champion jockey, Michael Roberts?

13. Bucephalus was the name of the horse of which great military leader? A) Attila; B) Wellington; C) Alexander the Great; D) Napoleon

14. According to the nursery rhyme, where must one ride a cock-horse to, to see a fine lady upon a white horse?

15. One of the most photograph­ed celestial bodies, the Horsehead Nebula, is situated in which constellat­ion? A) Orion; B) Scorpio; C) Southern Cross; D) Canis Major

16. How many players are there typically on a polo team?

17. Other than show jumping, name the other two events in a typical equestrian event.

18. Which large country has the lowest population density and a horse population that out-numbers its human population?

19. How are War, Famine, Pestilence and Death in literature collective­ly known?

20. What equestrian name was given to Neil Young’s backing band?

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