Sunday Times

Who killed Bin Laden? The plot thickens

- The Daily Telegraph, London

THE former US navy SEAL who claims to have shot dead Osama bin Laden has gone from “hero to zero” and “put a bull’s-eye on his back” after coming forward to take the glory for the killing, another former member of the elite force said this week.

Robert O’Neill is facing a growing backlash from former comrades angered by both his version of events inside the al-Qaeda chief’s Pakistan compound in March 2011 and his decision to go public.

There are now three versions of who delivered the fatal shot that took down US public enemy No 1 during the raid conducted by more than 20 commandos, who were moving rapidly through the hideout in darkness wearing nightvisio­n goggles.

Jonathan Gilliam, a former SEAL, condemned the actions and motives of O’Neill, who draws on his special forces experience­s in his well-paid appearance­s as a motivation­al speaker.

“It’s ridiculous for O’Neill to claim the credit for the fatal shot as we probably never will know and don’t need to know,” said Gilliam, a security consultant, noting that his views reflected those of many SEALS he had spoken to.

Gilliam also expressed fears that O’Neill had made himself and his family — and possibly even those who attend his talks — targets for attacks by Islamic extremists seeking revenge for the death of Bin Laden.

“He’s put a bull’s-eye not just on his back but on those around him by identifyin­g himself. I would not want to be anywhere around him, I’m afraid.

“If I heard he was coming to give a speech at my workplace, I’d call in sick.”

In an interview with The Washington Post, O’Neill described how he killed Bin Laden after he reached the third floor of the compound where Bin Laden lived with his wives.

He said that as the other commandos peeled off, he found himself just behind the team’s “pointman” for the final assault on the bedroom. —©

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