Sunday Times

Broadcaste­r of own balderdash


IT takes a mampara to lie for years about having a matric when you are the sort of person who gets a thrill from being in the spotlight and seeing your picture plastered all over the papers.

But it takes a special kind of mampara to then take the podium at the official unveiling of the 2014 matric results, and lecture school-leavers about what this means — when you would not know what it feels like to get that certificat­e.

Hlaudi Motsoeneng, the chief operating officer of the SABC, is that man. And when he did open his mouth, he displayed his notorious befuddled thinking. “You have two kinds of people in this world. You have certificat­ed people and educated people,” he said.

Motsoeneng seems to be neither — even if he is an epic chancer, with no little chutzpah.

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