Sunday Times

Old leftie Corbyn chosen to lead UK’s Labour Party


THE British Labour Party elected its most socialist leader in at least 30 years, signalling a further drift away from the free-market policies that brought the party electoral success under Tony Blair.

Jeremy Corbyn won 59.5% of the vote to succeed Ed Miliband as opposition leader, with his nearest rival, Andy Burnham, getting 19%.

Tom Watson, who took on media mogul Rupert Murdoch over phone hacking, was elected deputy leader in a separate ballot.

A fierce critic of Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne’s spending cuts, Corbyn won over Labour supporters with his appeal to scrap the UK’s nuclear weapons, nationalis­e the railways and energy companies, and fund infrastruc­ture projects with money printed by the Bank of England.

“Our party has changed. We’ve grown enormously, because of the hopes of so many ordinary people for a different Britain, a better Britain, a more equal Britain,” Corbyn, 66, said in a speech in central London after the result. “The fightback now of our party gathers speed and gathers pace.”

Prime Minister David Cameron, who stands to gain electorall­y from splits in the opposition, has accused Corbyn of being in denial about the need to cut the deficit and ridiculed the leadership election. Labour had “completely vacated the intellectu­al playing field”, he said in a speech on Friday.

Corbyn, who has spent his 32 years in parliament on the fringes of the Labour Party, went from the 200-to-1 outsider to runaway favourite, amid a surge of people signing up to support the party following its election defeat.

He nonetheles­s has the support of less than 15% of Labour MPs, and having voted against his party hundreds of times, he may struggle to unite them.

Corbyn’s victory is part of a shift seen across Europe in recent years, from Syriza in Greece to Spain’s Podemos, as voters deserted centre-left parties after the financial crisis forced government­s to slash public-sector jobs and benefits. — Bloomberg

 ??  ?? FROM THE FRINGE: Jeremy Corbyn got 59.5% of the vote
FROM THE FRINGE: Jeremy Corbyn got 59.5% of the vote

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