Sunday Times


Why pets are the new kids


IT’S A FUR-DO: A pampered mutt gets a shave at Le Pawtique Pooch in Craighall, Johannesbu­rg IT’S not a dog’s life, no ma’am, definitely not for pets who live in the suburbs.

Owners are spending more time and money on them than ever before and services for animals are booming.

This breed of owner will pay for surgery and Reiki healing, plan holidays and play dates for pets and even swop cars for them.

“‘Fur kids’ are the new kids and their owners will do almost anything for them,’’ said Julia Davies, a Johannesbu­rg animal behaviouri­st with four rescue border collies. Their food bill comes to more than that of Julia and her husband.

“I know people who employ full-time staff for their dogs. They look at their animals as emotionall­y intelligen­t beings,” she said.

But pets’ eating habits may not reflect this intelligen­ce and vets’ bills can run into tens of thousands of rands.

A labrador in Cape Town has had three operations after twice eating baby dummies and finally a baby’s bottle top.

His owner, Lauren Tuohy, said: “He cost us about R20 000 for those ops and so we nicknamed him ‘Mauritius’. He was the cost of a holiday . . .”

These days, vets can perform virtually any surgery done for humans; imaging (such as MRIs, CT scans) has improved and treatments such as chemothera­py are available.

Owners are prepared to pay specialist fees and are increasing­ly taking out pet insurance.

Johannesbu­rg veterinary surgeon Dr Bruce Irvine-Smith opened a practice in Johannesbu­rg with his brother 45 years ago.

Now they have 10 vets in a hospital in Bryanston with three theatres, an ICU, a lab, sophistica­ted machines, and many wards.

“When I bought the first ECG machine I wondered if we would use it enough. It has paid for itself 100 times over,” he said. “We have even done open-heart surgery here.”

Dr Michael Gray works at the Panorama Veterinary Clinic and Specialist Centre in Cape Town and is impressed at the resilience of pets.

“I am still amazed that the wheel of a 4x4 can ride right over a maltese and it often survives, with fractures,” he said

“Cats that fall from flats mostly survive with relatively minor injuries. The higher they fall from, often the less the injury.”

The rehabilita­tion of pets is becoming more common. Therapist Natercia Camara of Doggypaddl­e, which offers treatments such as hydrothera­py, says some pet owners take their pets for a session every week.

Johannesbu­rg career woman Michelle Caldeira moved houses to accommodat­e her two Cavalier King Charles spaniels.

“When getting upstairs was tricky for their hips, I found a ground-floor house with a beautiful garden. What makes them happy makes me happy too,” she said.

To make sure his two rottweiler­s got exercise, Johannesbu­rg chef Richard Loubser bought them a treadmill.

“I walk them every day but when I’m away, no-one else can. They are friendly but strong.

“It took treats and a lead to get them on the treadmill but now my female will walk on her own.”

An underwater treadmill is one of the tools used by vet Tanya Grantham, who specialise­s in rehabilita­tion and pain control.

“I’ve even had a Persian cat on the underwater treadmill,” she said.

Another therapy which gives relief for chronic pain is gold beads inserted into acupressur­e points. ON THE TROT: Richard Loubser’s rottweiler Lola hops onto the treadmill whenever she wants a workout

We nicknamed him ‘Mauritius’. He was the cost of a holiday

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