Sunday Times

An act of hate waiting to happen

France is one of Europe’s most divided societies


EVERY Western capital knows that Islamist extremists would love to strike a blow at its heart. But few are so tantalisin­g a target as Paris. Why? The short answer is that France fights jihadists worldwide; has one of the largest Muslim population­s in Europe — and arguably the most divided society. It also has a steady stream of guns pouring in from across continenta­l Europe’s porous borders. It is a potent, explosive mix — as shown by the Charlie Hebdo attacks of January, and now the Paris shootings.

“This is for Syria,” one of the Paris attackers reportedly said. But he could have said it was for Mali, or Libya, or Iraq.

Indeed, France takes pride in its proactive stance against Islamists worldwide, especially in the face of what is frequently seen as British and American retreat. More than 10 000 French troops are deployed abroad — over 3 000 in West Africa, 2 000 in Central Africa, and 3 200 in Iraq.

French interventi­on in Mali against al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in 2013 was seen as pivotal in the weakening of the jihadi group. A fortnight ago, a leader of an affiliate of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb urged his followers to attack France in retaliatio­n for their presence in the region.

And last week President François Hollande announced that France will deploy an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf to assist the fight against Islamic State, setting him on a collision course with the Islamist leaders.

A key problem, however, is internal.

The feelings of isolation and exclusion can be overwhelmi­ng, with few high-profile Muslim role models in business or politics. France’s stridently secular state, the banning of the burka and the power of the National Front have not helped to ease tensions between communitie­s.

Mohamed Merah, the Toulouse shooter of 2012, grew up in a tough banlieue, began as a small-time delinquent, was sent to prison, and emerged a hardened jihadi with “meaning” in life.

Mehdi Nemouche, who killed four people in Brussels in May last year, was also radicalise­d in prison — travelling to Syria when he was freed and then coming back to attack the Jewish museum. Chérif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, two of the Charlie Hebdo attackers, followed a similar trajectory of lack of opportunit­y, descent into criminalit­y, prison and radicalisa­tion.

Inside France’s prisons, 70% of the inmates are estimated to be Muslims — by law, France cannot ask a person to state their religion, so official data is unavailabl­e. In England and Wales, by comparison, Muslims account for 14% of the prison population, according to Home Office statistics, and 5% of the population nationwide.

In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, The Telegraph reported how France was struggling with radicalisa­tion inside its prisons and, unlike Britain, had very few imams to enter the cells and limited deradicali­sation programmes. In April this year, Rachida Dati, the former justice minister and now a special rapporteur on radicalisa­tion, said France was not doing enough to fight the power of radicals behind bars.

Another constant concern is weapons traffickin­g. Belgium has long struggled with illegal arms; it is believed the Charlie Hebdo attackers sourced their weapons there, and years of conflict during the Balkan Wars have left that region awash with cheap weapons.

The result is a powder keg atmosphere. Sadly, this is something that the French authoritie­s knew could happen at any time. — © The Daily Telegraph, London

 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? FOLLOW US: French special forces evacuate people near the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, including an injured man
Picture: REUTERS FOLLOW US: French special forces evacuate people near the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, including an injured man
 ?? Picture: AFP ?? BEFORE THE STORM: US rock group Eagles of Death Metal perform at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, moments before armed men stormed the venue
Picture: AFP BEFORE THE STORM: US rock group Eagles of Death Metal perform at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, moments before armed men stormed the venue
 ?? Picture: GETTY IMAGES ?? IN COLD BLOOD: A victim’s body lies covered on boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, close to the Bataclan theatre in Paris
Picture: GETTY IMAGES IN COLD BLOOD: A victim’s body lies covered on boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, close to the Bataclan theatre in Paris

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