Sunday Times

Playing safe until big role comes along

Sobantu Nqayi, brother of ‘Isidingo’ actress Noluthando Meje and who features in local TV ads for Cell C, Spur, MWeb and Flying Fish, tells Lucky Biyase about his ambition to feature in an internatio­nal movie or TV series


What is more important to you: fame or fortune, and why?

Fortune, because in the future I would need to be able to take care of my family and one can’t eat fame.

Are you a saver or a spender? What are your spending plans with the festive season around the corner?

I’m a saver. I believe that you need to spend your money wisely. My spending plan for the festive season is just to spoil my family and not spend it all.

What is the best thing you’ve spent money on in your life?

My tertiary education.

Do you invest in shares or other assets?


What local goods and services do you miss most when you are overseas?

Access to English-speaking cab drivers; sign language is not easy [ha-ha].

Where do you see yourself in the next three to five years?

Featuring in an internatio­nal movie or series.

How do you prefer to pay for things — cash or card?

Card — to benefit from the rewards from my bank.

Do you tip easily, or do waiters and waitresses have to work hard for it?

They have to work, as that tip is for their service.

Have you ever been really short of cash?

In high school — I wasn’t money-wise.

What was the most lucrative job you have ever done? What did you do with the earnings from it?

It was a commercial I did while in high school. I paid my school fees with it.

If you were not an artist, what other job would you do to make a living and, of course, lots of money? Would being a politician be among the options?

I would use my degree in human resource developmen­t/management. I love politics, but it wouldn’t be something I would just run to; I would give it a think.

Do you give money to beggars?

Yes, I do.

What is the most important lesson that you have learnt about money?

Save, save and save.

Do you have a financial adviser, or do you look after your own finances?

I’m discipline­d when it comes to my money.

What did your childhood teach you about money?

Every cent counts, and working hard for my money is the best reward I could give myself.

What is the best money advice you have ever received?

I once saw a quote that has always stuck with me: “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realise that you cannot eat money.”

If you were given R50-million today, what would you spend it on?

I would pay my bills, save some and travel to South America.

What place in the world would you most like to own a house or apartment in?

Cape Town and Durban.

What place in the world would you never go to live in?

North Korea, for obvious reasons.

Who is the person you would most like to meet?

[Writer] Chika Onyeani.

 ?? Picture: FACEBOOK ?? NEITHER A BORROWER: Sobantu Nqayi describes himself as a saver who wants value for money
Picture: FACEBOOK NEITHER A BORROWER: Sobantu Nqayi describes himself as a saver who wants value for money

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