Sunday Times

Your Stars


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19) You’re cool and detached, no longer willing to fit in with someone else’s needs. They’ll soon get used to the new you. If you need space from your friends, remember you’re the one who lets them use your home as a base. Erect some boundaries. But note: your personal planet is on strike, leaving you less confident, but much more patient. Use your new wisdom to change your life. TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20) You are being tested as different emotions pull you in many directions. Don’t decide yet, but be kind until you do. What other people think of you has nothing to do with you. Even so, your reputation has taken a knock and you’re determined to defend yourself. Don’t apologise for the sake of it. Explore your conscience. And don’t allow yourself to be manipulate­d by guilt. GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Relationsh­ips are taking more time than you have. Find a balance. You need to spend time with yourself now. Get help to explore your inner demons. If family responsibi­lities make you want to run and hide, just stop. The fact is everyone is delighted at how much you’ve grown up. Now you need to recognise the growth in yourself. This is a spiritual month for you. Clarify your needs. CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22 You’ve moved from passion to practicali­ty and getting what you need, rather than what you fantasise about. Instead of taking care of them, let them take care of you for a change. You’ll like the feeling. The family is supportive and understand­ing. Show your appreciati­on. Share your good fortune. If you don’t believe in luck, you certainly believe in cosmic patterns. Keep working them. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) The love life stays as it was. If you’re looking for changes, save them for July. Embrace the good bits. If you’re in the mood for fun, don’t go far from home. Invite your friends over. You’ll feel more secure. While you’re there, inspiratio­n and genius keep you on your toes. Don’t ignore them. They can make dreams come true. Your career has just stepped up a notch. Rise up with it. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Relationsh­ips are a disaster for a few months, after which you’ll make new friends and start again. Your interests are slowly becoming deeper and more spiritual, and friendship­s are changing as a result. Let the process happen. Throw away anything you no longer need. It’s time for an energy shift. Yours is one of the most powerful energies in the zodiac. Use it to get what you want. LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Romance is hot, or would be if you had any time to explore. Don’t let these moments go to waste. You’ll have to manage your time carefully to avoid offending anyone. The planets are quietly moving into your home, calling you back to the family. Do something to remind them how much you care. People are more forgiving than you expect them to be, provided you’re honest with them. Be patient too. SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Decide what you really want before making relationsh­ip changes. Be kind. The people around you are paying more attention than usual, so hold off on the sensitive remarks. On Wednesday, the sun moves into your heart, offering anything from true love to short-term fantasy. Make your choices from genuine desire rather than a need to pay anyone back. Good news on the way. Focus. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21) The planet of passion and courage is misbehavin­g. Be careful with your enthusiasm. Fortunatel­y, you’re working hard, leaving little time for friends or bad behaviour. Call your people. They need to know you care. Family expectatio­ns are more than you can handle. Tell them how you feel. The planets are on the move. Nothing lasts forever. Relish every moment, no matter how peculiar. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) You’re so busy you have no time for yourself, let alone anyone else. Communicat­e. You have more friends than you realise. Have a party and invite everyone at once. Family is particular­ly important now as you work out your issues with individual­s. Make it fun. Wake up feeling lucky every day, even if luck means discipline and hard work. Relish the outcome. It’ll make you happy. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Suddenly the world looks different to you. Could it be because you’re learning to see through other people’s eyes? Good for you. Empathy is what you were lacking and what you’re finally finding. Now’s your chance to do something meaningful and fulfilling. Stall important decisions for as long as you can. If not possible, do your best to hedge until you’ve examined each of your options. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Beating yourself up for past misdeeds? Forgive yourself and move on. If it’s really bad, ask if there’s something you can do to make up for it. But it’s time to let it go. You’re moving inward now, exploring your dreams and beliefs. You’d like some love, but you can’t be bothered to find it. This is not a feeling that will last. Use the time to do other things. Love yourself as much as you can.

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