Sunday Times


Sweeten up your mom this Mother’s Day with these sticky treats


How to make your own delicious doughnuts

MAKES 20 A LITTLE EFFORT 120 MINS 480g (4 cups) flour 5ml (1 tsp) salt 60ml (1/4 cup) caster sugar 65g butter, cubed and softened 1 sachet instant yeast 150ml lukewarm milk 50ml lukewarm water 2 large eggs, lightly beaten Oil for frying

Glacé icing:

250g icing sugar, sifted 45-60ml (3-4 tbsp) hot water

Food colouring of choice Sprinkles of choice

Sift flour, salt and sugar into a bowl. Rub butter into the mixture until it resembles breadcrumb­s. Mix in yeast. Combine milk and water and add the eggs; slowly add to flour mixture using a round-bladed knife to mix through till you have a soft dough. On a lightly floured surface knead the dough for 5 minutes. Cover and set aside for 15-20 minutes. Knock back the dough and roll out till about 1cm thick. Use cutters of 8-9cm and 3cm to make the doughnut rounds. Place the doughnuts and the centres on a sprayed cake pan, cover lightly with plastic wrap or greaseproo­f paper, and allow to rise for 45 minutes. Preheat oil for deep frying; test with one of the centres. If it browns in minutes the oil is ready. Fry about 4 rounds at a time, turning carefully when golden brown to fry on the other side. Drain on paper towel and allow to cool. Fry the centre pieces. For the icing combine the icing sugar and hot water 1 tbsp at a time; it must not be too runny. Add the colouring and mix through. Spoon over the doughnuts, add sprinkles and allow to set.

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