Sunday Times

Your Stars


Mark Silbert August 20 1959 Cape Town, 09h40 Sun sign: Leo Moon sign: Pisces Rising sign: Libra

It’s that Pisces moon that gets you every time. There you are, happily charming the pants off everyone — and you catch sight of another damaged soul. And you have to help. Nothing wrong with helping — as long as it doesn’t leave you shirtless on the side of the road. The fact is you’re finally coming to the end of a really difficult cycle and are being called on to rewrite your story for the next one. By September, you’ll be different; ready for adventure. Sure, your relationsh­ips could use some help, and your finances are likely to remain dodgy until early next year. But if you can gather your wits and muster your many gifts, you’ll figure out how to get what you want. Stop worrying about the others. Won’t it be easier to help them when you’re better off yourself? Precisely.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

There’s a Taurus new moon on Friday, bringing new hopes and a chance to reassess your feelings. Dig deep, using your instinct and intuition. Logic and courage have taken a break, leaving you vulnerable and confused. No point arguing with the universe. Get your work up to date and spend some time with the lovers. Try imagining your life without any of it — and you’ll know what to do.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

It won’t be easy, but try doing one thing at a time — and finishing it before you embark on something new. Needless to say, the temptation to lose your focus will be there. There are things such as integrity and reputation at stake. But if you can follow through this time, you’re more likely to be taken seriously next time round. Take it slowly. The planets are playing peculiar games.

CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22)

Family nightmares could be the result of a shift in priorities all round. Since you’ve lost touch with each other, a family meeting might not be a bad idea. In fact, as potentiall­y ghastly as it may sound, a weekly gathering might be just the medicine you need to find each other again. And, if you’re smart, to find yourself at the same time. Explore your creative side. It’s itching to come out and play.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It’s not so much about who you know as who you can get to know. So go to the boring parties and liven them up with that unforgetta­ble charm. This is no time for modesty. Exciting opportunit­ies await the more courageous lions as Friday’s new moon swoops in with the goodies. Although the juicier rewards may not be apparent until mid-July, the doors will be opening anyway.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Who called in the magicians? Or have you been whispering secret spells under your breath? Either way, it’s working. Your life is launching into an upward swing this very day. Even the communicat­ion fallout starting tomorrow will work to your advantage. You’ll be the only one who knows what’s going on. So be kind to the others. They need all the help they can get.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The emotions are a little off at the moment so refrain from spectacula­r announceme­nts. Yes, the inclinatio­n may be to dash off and catch the first train to anywhere — but that doesn’t make it the right thing to do. Whatever you’re feeling now will probably change. So unless your relationsh­ip is rock solid, give it some time to show its true colours. Or yours. Weigh up your options.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You’re wanting something new and are raiding the shopping malls in search of a place to distract yourself. This is a bad idea. The planets are simply pushing for a deeper look into hidden patterns so they can help you toss out the details that no longer serve you. Don’t be afraid. You’ll seem far more interestin­g without the baggage. The energies are busy now. Invite them in.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Could that be you waving that banner and leading the pack? Could that be your little arm bashing a dissenter over the head with a poster? Have you taken leave of your senses? If you really want to join a cause, kindly choose with a little more care. Do not attach yourself to the first bunch of loonies you see. The planets are messing with your head. And you’re not completely sane. Breathe.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

If anyone can tell it as it is, that would be you. Target this week for presentati­ons and deliveries. You’re being heard and supported. Unfortunat­ely, the same cannot be said for your love life. There’s mistrust here and peculiar fears. Pretending everything’s fine is a bad idea. Dealing with each issue as it arises is a better one. Listening to what’s being said — and to what’s not being said.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A new experience is that you’re being honest. And it doesn’t hurt. Also, the more you share, the more you realise how like everyone else you are. Which is both a good and bad thing. Good because it helps you understand the futility of paranoia. And bad because you find you’re not as unique as you thought you were. Maybe that’s a good thing. You have permission to be who you want to be.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You’ve been paying far too much attention to what other people think. It’s time to find out what you think. Well? Haven’t a clue, have you? Been so busy trying to please the hordes, you’ve completely forgotten that you’re one of them. Besides, your finances are doing their utmost to improve their inward flow. Stand aside and let them in. Make a long, self-indulgent shopping list.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Strange, for some reason you feel as though you’re almost there. But the final hurdle has turned into a fire-breathing monster. What’s going on? The career is better and better. The love life is two centimetre­s from success. The exotic tickets are about to be delivered. And everything’s ground to a halt. Don't worry. Short detour. Few weeks. Get a moon-tan. Read a book. It’s ages since you did that.

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