Sunday Times

Your Stars


Susan Dransfield November 16 1958 Birmingham, UK, 10h15 Sun sign: Scorpio Moon sign: Aquarius Rising sign: Sagittariu­s You’re such a powerhouse that you hardly know how to cope when things go wrong. It’s not that things are going wrong, it’s just that the reins of your life seem to have been yanked out of your hands and passed on to someone else. Let your life come to you. That may mean some of your secrets come out. But do you really care? Mystery is just another word for fear. Will they still like you if they know who you really are? Does it matter? You’re at an age when your choices must be real — or they will have no value. Your career is going well and if you’re working for yourself, you’ll be moving into a delicious new venture fairly soon. Essentiall­y, you’re at the end of an old cycle, waiting for the new one to begin. Expect changes. Expect a little anxiety. Most of all, expect miracles.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The planets are moving and yesterday’s Libra new moon has ejected you from your comfort zones into a fabulous new cycle which could go anywhere. So where would you like to go? Typical Libran answer: no idea. It’s the Libran inability to make choices that hampers your progress. The good news: Luck, courage, opportunit­y and success are with you for the coming year.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The goddess of love, beauty and romance has swooped in, shifting your focus overnight. Who cares about deals or career paths? Actually, you soon will, but only if you pay attention to your dreams and instincts. Your spiritual energies have stepped up a notch and you’re learning to trust the signs. Your focus is still on love. The goddess has made sure you’re looking fabulous. Be sincere.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You’re getting used to that old killjoy breathing criticism in your ear, so much so you’re beginning to use his energy as a source of wisdom. As it should be. Saturn, the grandad of grumpy planets, will be with you for another year, so you need to know his intentions are honourable. He wants to hand you back your power. No, in fact, he wants you to snatch it back. Make that your goal.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

This is a great month: calm and laid-back. The career is on a roll, complete with promotions, pay rises, status, recognitio­n and ego boosts. Give some thought to sharing the wealth. Find a regular moment for charitable deeds; something you enjoy. Guilt is no longer part of your consciousn­ess. Your health is also on the up, so energy supplies improve. In short, enjoy.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

How about some business travel just as you were settling in to a quiet moment? Don’t complain. You’ll return with new ideas, inspiratio­n and even a new love. Of course, if you’re not available, buy something fabulous for your sweetheart and keep your eyes down when you feel chemistry in the air. Take a few handfuls of vitamins. Your health is not what it could be.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

There’ll be great news before the week is out. While you wait, count the zillion little miracles that happen every day, all designed to put you in the mood to handle the odd glitch at home. The rule here is, don’t waste time fretting about who is “right”. The trick is to figure out what’s best for everyone — including you. No martyrs allowed. Now, about your career — it’s time for a change.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

If you want your relationsh­ips to work, you’ll have to examine your needs more carefully. Now’s the time to let go of those inhibition­s that are cramping your style. You’re too old to be hampered by such absurditie­s. Besides, the love energies are demanding a helping of passion. At work, finances are getting complicate­d. Watch out for new opportunit­ies — complete with tedious details.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

Don’t you dare let those old ghosts drag you off course. This is change time — your moment to tie the ends and cut them loose. The funny thing about loose ends is that they always want to hang on till the bitterest of ends. For you, it’s about courage; calling in the big guns and blowing the spooks away. There’s a fabulous new project waiting for your call. Spare a few moments for you.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

There’s only one reason you’re not finding what you’re looking for: you still haven’t decided what that is. You have two options: Either grab every opportunit­y (and there will be several) or spend some time asking yourself who you really are. There’s no rush. The universe wants you happier. And the planets are finally moving in your direction. Take your time. Be kinder to yourself.

CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22)

Before you make that final career decision, have a closer look at the distributi­on of power. You could find at least one hidden agenda, and you need to know what you’re dealing with before you commit to anything longterm. While you wait, do a little showing-off. People are in the mood to be impressed and you have some pretty impressive talents. Then go home to the people who love you.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Talk to the chaps who can help you kick-start an extraordin­ary new project. It will probably take some convincing, but you’re good at that. New ideas are never well received if they threaten the old ways. Present your plan as an improvemen­t rather than a metamorpho­sis. And then offer a small sacrifice yourself to show faith. Your social life has hit a dry patch; so focus on getting rich.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It’s thinking time for you — and suddenly you’re the one with all the answers. Please note: this does not mean taking on every hard-luck case on the planet. You don’t have the time or energy. Your health needs attention. Also, allow some space for errors. The planets have only just pulled themselves right. They need a few moments to readjust their ties. Meanwhile, you keep making plans.

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