Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail

MOTLA RAMENWE February 11 1988, Zeerust, 18h35 Sun sign: Aquarius Moon sign: Sagittariu­s Rising sign: Leo

Keen to run from responsibi­lities that have made you feel old and scared? That’s okay. You’re exactly where you need to be, but you do need to be reminded that life is fascinatin­g even when you’ve lost control. Whatever happens, the worst is over. You’ve been through the hardest initiation there is – the crossover into adulthood. Now you’re ready to handle whatever life throws at you. Children are part of the deal. If love is hard, focus on what brings you joy. The career is going well, and family is supportive. If you need new skills to make progress, go get them. This year is about hard work, with inconclusi­ve results. By next year, you’ll be travelling down a different road, wondering what you were worried about. Be patient and willing.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20

Saturday’s Pisces new moon opens doors to love, lust and wicked behaviour. But use the days before to finish your homework and don’t think about pretending there isn’t any. All that admin you’ve been ignoring is now demanding a hearing. There’s money on offer too, so how about employing someone to do the work for you? That way, you get time out before your big romance.

ARIES Mar 21 - April 19

The planets are piling up in your sign, keen to help out. And you’re checking the back door for signs of betrayal. How about trusting the process for once? How about believing you deserve the best and allowing yourself to gloat over the winning hand? It’s not that you’re unhappy with success. It’s just that you’ve convinced yourself anything that comes too easily is suspect.

TAURUS Apr 20 - May 20

All your relationsh­ips, partnershi­ps, ships passing in the night are under threat. And just because you seem to be getting away with assorted lunacies, doesn’t mean you are. A cosmic score is being kept, and honesty is the basic winning ingredient. Of course, if you’re behaving yourself, this could be one of your better weeks. Either way, the planets lose the plot next week and you need to be ready.

GEMINI May 21 - June 20

Dancing on the table with your knickers on your head may not be the best way to show off your talents. But with a little of that fabulous imaginatio­n, you could come up with a more appropriat­e performanc­e. And don’t try that coy thing that no one’s about to swallow. Dig deep. Find the part of you that loves the limelight. Pull it out and put on its shoes. Be nice to everyone.

CANCER June 21 - Jul 22

If you’re feeling weird, get a check-up. The season’s are changing, just in time for ailments to reveal themselves. If you’re feeling fantastic, get a massage. And a check-up. Your body is demanding attention. Give it some. Then get some sleep. Your workload is about to double, leaving you wondering about the point of it all. Keep going. The pressure will relax soon-ish.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 22

Is power something that appeals to you or not? Does the thought of telling people what to do send shivers down your spine? Or have you discovered real power has more to do with the way you handle your own life? Make up your mind. If you don’t want to grab the reins, hand them over to someone else. Alternativ­ely, how about a leadership course? Taking charge is never as scary as you think it will be.

VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22

You’ve got 12 days before the planets flip out. Now’s your chance to examine the senses, discoverin­g what each has to offer. Then, while you’re waiting for options to present themselves, spare a thought for a desultory love life. Ask yourself what you can do to make your wishes come true. Somehow you’ve forgotten that it’s your job to make yourself happy. Not as hard as it looks.

LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22

Calling in the occasional favour might not do much for your pride, but it will help with that project you’re afraid will never end. Get humble. And be willing to negotiate. Then, if the secret frustratio­ns become too overwhelmi­ng, kick a pillow. Unless you’d rather wait for Saturday’s cosmic magic to do something utterly romantic. Instead. Or as well as. Make sure you know what you want.

SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21

Children in your life will suddenly need extra attention. Decide to enjoy the experience and remind yourself that there is always time to do what needs to be done. If the child is you – or your mate – same thing. Devote attention where it’s needed, and do it with a big smile. If you’re having one of your sulking wobblies, indulge yourself in every wallowing moment – and then move on.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Can you even remember the last time you felt so sure of yourself? Don’t question it. Just enjoy. One thing, though. This energy is so out of whack, it’s likely to encourage you to take mad risks and be forced to deal with the flak later. So if you’re completely incapable of rational thought, get some sensible advice. Then go back to having a good time. Think about starting something new.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

All those eager admirers are wonderful for the ego. But make sure they’ve got something constructi­ve to do besides gaze in adoration. And yes, everyone knows delegation is not strictly your thing since you’re still convinced no one can do it as well as you. But unless you learn fast, you’ll find yourself running not just your show, but theirs as well. How about that for a motivator?

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

Planning to get married? Or making the kind of commitment that induces cold sweats? Good for you. Sharing with others means you may occasional­ly have to relinquish control. If the thought horrifies you, keep going. Because the thought of being triumphant­ly alone is a much scarier one. Happiness is on the menu this week. Saturday’s new moon has plans to celebrate the new you.

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