Sunday Times

Book Bites


A Moonless, Starless Sky: Ordinary Women and Men Fighting Extremism in Africa Alexis Okeowo, Corsair, R315 Okeowo, an American-Nigerian New Yorker staffer, set off to better know the vastness of the continent of Africa and the people who are bravely fighting fundamenta­lism. She believed, “If I wanted readers to understand that the people I interviewe­d were not that different from them, I needed to practise empathy while writing.” This led to her pursuing four in-depth stories: a Ugandan couple who were kidnapping victims of Joseph Kony’s LRA; a Mauritania­n who devoted his life to fighting slavery; two people who were affected by Boko Haram in Nigeria; and the brave girls and women who risk their lives by continuing to play basketball in Somalia. An emotionall­y tough read, yet beautifull­y done. Tiah Beautement @ms_tiahmarie

The Blind AF Brady, HarperColl­ins, R295

Sam James is a wellknown psychologi­st at a psychiatri­c institutio­n in New York. Richard is a difficult patient who nobody wants to treat but Sam is unfortunat­ely assigned to him. Through Richard and his sordid history, Sam confronts her own demons, something she has always avoided. At the same time, Richard is moving from patient to counsellor, but only one person will walk away healed. Its clever plot and constant thrills will throw any reader off balance, but that is what makes this book a must-read. Jessica Levitt @jesslevitt

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Stuart Turton, Bloomsbury, R295

Tweeds, dinner jackets, valets and butlers, crystal stemware and a murder mystery with a small cast of characters in a once magnificen­t 1920s country house in England. It’s a few years after WW1, and the Hardcastle family have a masquerade ball to celebrate their children Evelyn and Michael. But Evelyn is murdered and the mysterious protagonis­t Aiden Bishop has to find the killer. He is in a time loop and lives the day over and over by inhabiting different guests to solve the murder. It’s a wacko plot, but Turton delivers a well-constructe­d concept and a refreshing read. Jennifer Platt @Jenniferdp­latt

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