Sunday Times

Jobs crisis needs new approach

As the jobs summit nears, dire employment figures underline the urgent need to revisit SA’s core policies


● SA’s unemployme­nt crisis is the deepest in the world and the forthcomin­g jobs summit needs to grapple with the scale and horrendous consequenc­es of mass unemployme­nt. This is something that President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledg­ed earlier this year when he said that the summit “will need to take extraordin­ary measures to create jobs on a scale that we have never before seen in this country”.

He’s right about the need for extraordin­ary measures because the scale of the unemployme­nt crisis is enormous. There are 37.8-million workingage adults in SA today. Of these, 11.9-million people (mostly students and school pupils) are not economical­ly active. Of the remaining 25.9-million, 9.6-million (37%) cannot find work. That’s almost two adults in every five.

Put another way, only about 43% of SA’s adults work. In most countries, the figure is 60% or more.

And matters have grown worse over time: between 2008 and 2018, the number of working-age adults increased by 6.3-million but of these only 1.9-million (30%) found work, while 3.2-million (over 50%) joined the unemployme­nt queues. That’s an increase of almost 900 unemployed people in the population every single day for more than 10 years.

Matters are even worse for young people, for whom the unemployme­nt rate is 50%, and there are 400,000 fewer people in employment in 2018 than there were in 2008 despite the number of young people having increased by 2-million in that period.

The 9.6-million unemployed mean that there are more people looking for work in SA than there are people living in seven out of nine provinces, and, if you wanted to reduce the unemployed by half, you would need to create industries that employ 11 times more people than are currently working in the entire mining sector.

The implicatio­ns of all of this are devastatin­g. SA’s mass unemployme­nt is the key cause of poverty and inequality, contributi­ng immeasurab­ly to social dysfunctio­n and political instabilit­y. Worst of all, unemployme­nt is a terrible waste of human potential and an assault on human dignity.

And yet there is nothing inevitable about SA’s scandalous­ly high unemployme­nt rate.

A key reason for the unemployme­nt crisis is that policymake­rs have been driven by a set of ideas about employment and the labour market that are unsuited to the challenges we face.

In essence, the government has chosen an approach to employment that insists workers must receive relatively high minimum wages and considerab­le legal protection from dismissal. The policy thrust and intention is that jobs that do not meet these requiremen­ts are not the kinds of jobs employers should be allowed to offer.

Effectivel­y, government policy argues that no wage is better than a low wage. SA’s labour market policy has prevented the creation of the kinds of jobs that are the first point of entry for unskilled workers into modernisin­g economies, whether in Europe and the US or the industrial­ising countries of Asia.

The ideologica­l aversion to these jobs is disastrous. It is also in direct contravent­ion of the advice of many internatio­nal experts, who, time and again, have said SA must create jobs for the many unskilled workers we actually have and not the skilled workforce we wish we had.

Compared with the alternativ­es most unemployed people have (rural or urban misery and hopelessne­ss, dependence long into adulthood on parents and grandparen­ts, a life of struggle in the informal sector, dominance of many women by fathers, brothers, husbands), working in a factory for low wages would be attractive to many hundreds of thousands of people. And these basic jobs are not an end point, they can lead — as they have in almost every other country — to better jobs and other opportunit­ies in time.

For those who have one, there are big advantages in having a high-paying, well-protected job. But the cost of setting high minimum wages and standards that all employers must meet is that too few jobs are created.

One implicatio­n of recognisin­g these challenges is that it shows up the inadequacy of job-creation projects that address only a small number of beneficiar­ies. Far too much energy by the government, business and civil society goes into projects that help move some people into the employment queue, and not enough into policy reforms that have to take place.

We all need to recognise that commercial­ly viable firms are by far the most effective, sustainabl­e and economical­ly efficient job-creation projects, and we should do everything in our power to help remove constraint­s on firms. The most critical of these are the rules that raise the costs of employment and those that make employers reluctant to employ more unskilled and inexperien­ced young people.

Too many of SA’s industrial sectors are marked by high levels of concentrat­ion, with a small number of dominant companies. However, this is less the result of anticompet­itive practices by businesses (though, of course, this does happen), and more the consequenc­e of policies that raise the cost of doing business to the point where only capital-intensive firms can thrive.

Real reform would include exempting small and newly created firms from many existing regulation­s, and making SA a competitiv­e place for light manufactur­ing to attract the many jobs leaving China.

Creating an environmen­t in which companies are able and encouraged to create large numbers of lowskill jobs is the single most important step SA could take to make its growth path more inclusive.

Unless core policies are revisited and soon, yet another generation will grow up in a world of mass unemployme­nt and hopelessne­ss.

Bernstein is the executive director of the Centre for Developmen­t and Enterprise

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