Sunday Times

Lessons in (over)sharing

The great Rupert debate


● Since Tuesday, I have had to interact with critical comments following the POWER 987 Chairman’s Conversati­on I conducted with businessma­n Johann Rupert that evening.

I have taken the constructi­ve aspects of the appraisal to heart and will endeavour to improve on future conversati­ons.

As with some of the criticism advanced after last year’s conversati­on with former president Thabo Mbeki, Tuesday night pointed to the need to clarify an issue I had assumed did not require much discussion.

Despite apartheid’s futile attempt to stifle discussion, conversati­on and debate, we were never short of dialogue and the exchange of ideas. To our credit, this has continued since 1994. In conceiving the POWER 987 Chairman’s Conversati­on, one was aware of this reality and deliberate­ly chose the format of a conversati­on rather than an interview or a debate.

A conversati­on is by definition a cordial exchange of informatio­n, perspectiv­es and ideas. It aims, so to speak, to download, understand and, in the context of a public conversati­on, share the interlocut­or’s mind with the audience. It is not necessaril­y adversaria­l, nor is it its mission invariably to pass judgment on the assumption­s and conclusion­s of the interlocut­or.

The audience is more than capable of making up its mind and the debates that followed the Mbeki and Rupert conversati­ons are ample proof of this.

I, however, acknowledg­e that the novelty of the format of the POWER 987 Chairman’s Conversati­on circumstan­tially evokes all sorts of responses, some of which have very little to do with the contents of the conversati­on.

If anything, the responses to the Rupert conversati­on illustrate­d our country’s enduring, deep racial and class divisions and their accompanyi­ng raw emotions.

A cursory glance at social media reveals that, to many, Rupert is a symbolic representa­tion of white SA’s and in particular Afrikaners’ racial privilege, through which collective black disadvanta­ge makes meaning. It is often pointed out that his father was a member of the Broederbon­d. This perspectiv­e is also reinforced by the political environmen­t of the past few years, which has given rise to virulent and polarising narratives that render rational discourse and the search for solutions to our country’s problems and challenges that much more difficult.

Inspired by the belief that Rupert is public enemy no 1 who should not even be spoken to, some have sought to nit-pick this or that conversati­onal remark in an attempt to define him and the conversati­on as unworthy of considerat­ion. And so we are unlikely to hear Rupert and the import of what he says when he tells us that Afrikaners have fears, that African and Afrikaner nationalis­ms must find a meeting point and that SA requires a national consensus on what and how to respond practicall­y to our common national challenges.

Is a rational political response not one that explores the practical meaning of the meeting of African and Afrikaner nationalis­ms, inviting Afrikaners to the table to discuss their fears, anxieties and legitimate aspiration­s together with the fears, anxieties and legitimate aspiration­s of the other, so that together we can forge a consensus on a new way forward?

Put differentl­y, is Rupert hinting at the need and possibilit­y for some kind of an economic Codesa in which the political leadership could seriously engage him and other captains of industry?

Engaging Rupert and the rest of the business community requires the ability to break ranks with what Afrikaner poet Elleke Boehmer refers to as the “foreclosur­e of the frozen penultimat­e”, and an appreciati­on of Ugandan academic Mahmood Mamdani’s counsel to imagine a different future since no destinatio­n is preordaine­d but is always negotiable.

Interestin­gly, Mamdani proffered this advice when he drew a comparison between the Rwanda of 1984 and the SA of 1994, when we transition­ed from apartheid to democracy just as Rwanda slid into a genocide.

He poignantly asked: “If someone had told us a decade before, in 1984, a time when the struggle against apartheid in SA was at its bloody height, but also a time when [Rwanda’s] President

Juvénal Habyariman­a was calling for reconcilia­tion between Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda, if someone had told us then that a decade hence there would be a genocide in one of these countries and a reconcilia­tion in another, how many of us would have identified the location of the two developmen­ts correctly?”

He concluded: “The difference between 1984 and 1994, not just in SA and Rwanda but elsewhere too, was not just made by history, but by politics. The possibilit­ies offered by politics were in turn defined by the ability of those in the present to imagine a different future. The difference lay in this: whereas in SA, they dared imagine a future beyond apartheid, in Rwanda, they remained locked in the world of Hutu and Tutsi, the world of 1959.”

Some of the responses to the Rupert conversati­on beg the question: did South Africans truly imagine a different future beyond apartheid, or is Mamdani merely advancing what in effect amounts to an accusation? What are the implicatio­ns for the future of our country if we have failed or eventually fail to imagine a different future? Or does it not matter?

One’s imperfecti­ons notwithsta­nding, the conversati­on with Rupert should hopefully point to the vital need to talk to each other and not at each other, to recognise that we sink or swim together.

Our platform aims to facilitate authentic dialogues that are conducted responsibl­y and sensitivel­y to contribute our part to the progress of the nation. We remain committed to this mission with a full appreciati­on that leadership is not a popularity contest.

Mkhari is founder and chair of POWER 987

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 ?? Picture: John Liebenberg ?? POWER 987 chair Given Mkhari with Richemont chair Johann Rupert.
Picture: John Liebenberg POWER 987 chair Given Mkhari with Richemont chair Johann Rupert.

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