Sunday Times

New left party brings fresh voice to our politics


Democracy came late to SA. India received its independen­ce in 1947, Ghana in 1957 and Kenya in 1963. All of these countries have gone through the thrill of freedom and then the deep disappoint­ment of betrayal by national elites.

With the exception of

Palestine, freedom came later to SA than any of the other colonised countries.

We should have learnt the lessons of postcoloni­al work but we didn’t and we have made many of the same mistakes that were made elsewhere long ago.

One of the problems faced by postcoloni­al societies is that during the struggle for national liberation, a wide variety of ideologica­lly very different forces end up in the same organisati­on, which distorts democratic engagement.

SA is no exception. The ANC accommodat­es free-market liberals, social democrats, communists and nationalis­ts of various kinds, including those with a tendency towards corrupt and authoritar­ian nationalis­m.

A logical organisati­on of our politics would place the corrupt nationalis­ts in the ANC and the EFF in one camp, the social democrats in the ANC in another camp, the free-market liberals in the ANC and the DA in a third camp and the radical left in a fourth camp.

The launch of a new workers’ party by metalworke­rs union Numsa last week — the Socialist Revolution­ary Workers Party — is an important step towards the normalisat­ion of our politics. It means, for the first time, that there will be a clear and independen­t left force in our politics.

Launching a party a few weeks before an election is certainly a risky strategy. But the new party comes out of the largest trade union in the country, and has easy access to a mass base, and the monthly dues paid by its members.

Even a few seats in parliament, can, if used well, cause a significan­t shift in the national debate. On its own this is not enough to fix our politics. For that to happen the ANC will need to find a way to purge itself of the corrupt nationalis­ts within the organisati­on.

But having an independen­t and genuinely left voice in our politics will mean that the issues affecting the workingcla­ss majority will finally get a real hearing in our politics.

If the new party can build a real alliance with the unemployed, and with precarious­ly employed workers, to augment its existing base in the industrial working class, it could become a powerful voice for social justice.

The emergence of the new party is an existentia­l threat to the SACP, which has been reduced to supporting

Ramaphosa, a free-market liberal, because the alternativ­e, in the form of Ace Magashule and the corrupt nationalis­ts in the ANC, is too ghastly to contemplat­e.

The rational response from the SACP will be to exit the alliance and join the new party. This seems highly unlikely, though, given that its general secretary, Blade Nzimande, will have returned to the cabinet under Ramaphosa.

It may well turn out that the formation of a left party from within the trade union movement will be the final nail in the coffin of the SACP.

It will also be interestin­g to see how the new party confronts the EFF. As early as 2013, Numsa took a clear stance against Julius Malema, citing corruption, authoritar­ianism and a lack of a commitment to worker control and socialism. The ANC still has much of the vote of the rural poor. But the new workers party and the EFF will be in direct competitio­n for the vote of the urban poor.

Critics have argued that the new party is too dogmatical­ly Marxist and that it isn’t dealing adequately with new challenges, like climate change.

This may be so but, while it may not have quick answers to all the problems we face, it will certainly go a long way towards normalisin­g our politics. The formation of the party is an important step forward for our democracy.

The new party and the EFF will be in direct competitio­n for the urban poor vote

Buccus is senior research associate at the Auwal Socio-Economic Research Institute, a research fellow in the school of social sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and academic director of a university study-abroad programme on political transforma­tion

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