Sunday Times



Khal Drogo vs Mago

Talk about toxic masculinit­y. Mago, one of Drogo’s henchmen, questions Daenerys’s influence on the Khal — distastefu­l in patriarcha­l Dothraki culture. Challenged by Mago’s scimitar blade pressed into Drogo’s bulging pec, the Khal responds by dropping his knives and fighting unarmed. Drogo, the athletic warrior, turns the scimitar back onto his enemy, slices his throat and pulls his tongue out through the wound. You were saying?

Jon Snow vs Styr

In the defence of Castle Black, Jon Snow’s sword skill turns the tide against those pesky wildlings breaching the walls, until he meets Styr, the intimidati­ng leader of the cannibalis­tic Thenn tribe. Styr disarms the Night’s Watchman of his sword, Longclaw, and strangles him until Jon discovers that an ironmonger’s hammer can do the same job as Valerian steel.

Bronn vs Ser Vardis Egan

In the halls of Eyrie, a stronghold set high in the mountain peaks, Bronn, a mercenary, champions Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat. His motive is gold, but his opponent is the strapping knight Ser Vardis. Unfortunat­ely for the knight, Bronn cunningly tires Ser Vardis before slashing his poor opponents’ vulnerable spots. Eventually the corpse of Ser Vardis is sent flying through a hole in the floor of the hall. Incensed, Tyrion’s accuser, Lysa Arryn, disses Bronn’s style as “fighting without honour” to which he replies, “No I don’t, but he did.” Talk about a sharp wit.

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