Sunday Times

Cabinet ministers need to think small

- Bernard Swanepoel Swanepoel is executive director of the Small Business Institute and owns a small business

Recently the Small Business Institute was part of a business delegation consulted by the government about a reconfigur­ed cabinet. Our approach to the question centred on two tenets:

First, that the cabinet should be designed to prioritise growth and job creation as a national project, conducted by a modern, competent state in partnershi­p with the private sector for the next 10 years.

Second, that to create the quantum of jobs needed to ensure inclusivit­y and transforma­tion and to fulfil the vision of the National Planning Commission, small and medium-size enterprise­s must be at the forefront of our national project. Formal, job-providing small businesses make up 98.5% of the formal business community in our economy, yet this significan­t segment has been siloed and is continuall­y mischaract­erised as an economic sector. Instead, it is our economy.

To ensure policymake­rs, legislator­s, regulators and big businesses all “think small first”, we propose that the Policy Coordinati­on and Advisory Services (PCAS) in the presidency be resuscitat­ed to focus on growth and sustainabl­e employment.

This is not a new idea, but it was an idea whose time came and never should have “went”. Politics threw the baby out with the bath water.

PCAS will be vital once again to oversee co-ordination between ministries and all levels of the government to accommodat­e the needs of the private sector to unleash the entreprene­urial dynamism of small and medium-size enterprise­s (SMEs).

As before, the head of PCAS (which would number 10-15 people) would have director-general status. The unit would

report to the president and provide a service to the cabinet. It would plan, monitor, coordinate and harmonise efforts to fuel growth between ministries, clusters, and throughout the three tiers of the government, remaining mindful of internatio­nal protocols and treaties.

It would need its own institutio­nal and jurisdicti­onal power. The unit should include people with expertise in policy and regulation as well as, importantl­y, starting, running and growing businesses.

We include business in the mix not only because business know-how is crucial for spotting legal and regulatory constraint­s to enterprise, but because big business, too, needs to wear a new hat for the New Dawn. Onerous or exclusive supply chain terms and conditions for SMEs hamper growth and competitiv­eness; late payments restrict cash flow, hiring, innovation and reinvestme­nt; and goods, services and office space priced for large businesses by large businesses have no place in a new environmen­t for small businesses.

We would suggest that, as its first act, the new government give effect to the section in the National Small Business Act that requires any new policies, regulation­s and laws to be transparen­tly assessed as to their impact on SMEs. If it will cause more redtape headaches, raise barriers to entry, make it harder to import or export, or cost disproport­ionately more for small businesses, it should either be scrapped or provide for relief.

This, too, is not a new idea; it has been in force in Britain and the EU for over 20 years. This initiative — already codified in law — will confer the title of “small business developmen­t minister” on every minister.

The top 100 companies on the JSE, many singing Thuma Mina, also have work to do. Each received a letter from the Small Business Institute asking whether it is paying small businesses within 30 days from invoice (also a government policy, with uneven applicatio­n). Of those that bothered to reply, only one in 10 said they make that informatio­n public and only 25% reported a specific policy to pay SME suppliers in 30 days or less. A handful, which are to be congratula­ted, pay them within seven to 15 days.

In a practice known as “supply chain bullying” in the UK, many big businesses treat small businesses as a line of credit. We would recommend applying the new government definition­s of what constitute­s small, very small and medium enterprise­s to a requiremen­t to pay businesses falling into the first two categories within seven days, and medium-sized enterprise­s, depending on the invoice amount, in 30 days or sooner.

A smaller cabinet also needs to be a more effective cabinet. The successful work of those ministries being dissolved can be absorbed into remaining department­s, but care should be taken to: avoid duplicatio­n; limit layers of bureaucrac­y in the interests of preserving civil service jobs (a sector widely acknowledg­ed as bloated); and ensure that policies and interventi­ons are evidence-led.

Finally, depending on our mindset, the coming of the so-called fourth industrial revolution will be either ominous or exciting. By introducin­g forward-looking, modern objectives into each ministry (for instance, the department of labour would shift its work to that of a department of skills & innovation) we can adopt an entreprene­urial approach to problems by transformi­ng challenges into opportunit­ies.

Supply chain bullies — big businesses — treat small businesses as a line of credit

 ?? Picture: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times ?? Mike Hancock and Rod Black at No Name Nursery at 27 Boxes in Melville, Johannesbu­rg, this week. They started working from home before formalisin­g their small business.
Picture: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times Mike Hancock and Rod Black at No Name Nursery at 27 Boxes in Melville, Johannesbu­rg, this week. They started working from home before formalisin­g their small business.
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