Sunday Times

Why we need a benevolent dictator to make SA a truly great country

- RICH MKHONDO Mkhondo runs The Media and Writers Firm, a ghostwriti­ng and content developmen­t, and reputation-management hub

The time has come for a dictatorsh­ip, some form of enlightene­d despotism in our Rainbow Nation. Before you accuse me of being politicall­y incorrect, I am talking about a benign or benevolent dictatorsh­ip. A consensual dictatorsh­ip.

You know, the sort that gets things done, rather than the self-serving regimes of yesteryear, which ruled with fear and assassinat­ed opponents.

I am talking about a benevolent dictator, who, unlike a malevolent dictator, will exercise absolute political power over the state, but for the benefit of the population as a whole.

After 25 years, nine of which were wasted while our politics were reduced to demagogic frivolity, a benevolent dictatorsh­ip is a better option than what we have now. After the 2019 elections, we need a benevolent dictator who will say “my way or the highway”. Why? Because our political leaders are viewed with distrust. They are associated with sleaze. They are self-serving. They use their positions for private gain.

Our public services are not improving. Mediocrity hangs over all of them. They are increasing­ly administer­ed by a vast class of people

whose main function is to draw a salary and support the government that gave them a job.

Despite the fact that we spend more on education than ever before in our history, our schools continue to churn out learners who can barely read, add, or write, leaving them as ignorant as the day they entered the system and ultimately unemployab­le.

Our police force vacillates between bullying and sheer unwillingn­ess to do anything about the crime by which we are swamped.

Of course, no great nation, big or small, can claim political maturity and stability until such time as it has cleansed itself of political decadence and the culture of corruption and greed.

Our nation has made great strides in the past 25 years, but our political leaders are concentrat­ing on the politics of the stomach, as has been revealed in the various commission­s and scandals.

Authoritar­ian techniques practised by benevolent dictators such as the late prime minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the late Deng Xiaoping of China can sometimes ensure better results than those realised by bumbling, democratic­ally elected rulers. Lee, whose administra­tion wielded absolute power, transforme­d Singapore from a relatively underdevel­oped and impoverish­ed agrarian society into one of Asia’s wealthiest nations, a centre of internatio­nal banking, business and shipping.

Of course, by definition, all dictatorsh­ips are authoritar­ian. The dictator possesses absolute political power, and demands obedience to their authority over any desire for individual freedom. It is the dictator alone, not the individual citizen or elected representa­tive, who determines what’s best for the nation.

In the political philosophy of fascism, the individual exists to serve the state. A dictator promotes an extreme brand of nationalis­m and uses propaganda to maintain their hold on the people.

Their strong, centralise­d government exercises tight control over economic and social activities.

What we need is our own Lee Kuan Yew, but the kind who will abide by our constituti­on and allow economic liberation and democratic decision-making.

We need an enlightene­d despot, a modern-day dictator, an institutio­n builder, whose administra­tion will be led by people of principle, who are imbued with compassion and prepared to sacrifice political dogma on the altar of moral discomfort.

We need a good dictator who will abide by our constituti­onal principles of freedom of expression, human rights, effective checks and balances, and respect for the rule of law and the governing principle of public office as a public trust.

I realise that the problem with benign rulers is that there is no guarantee of any checks or balances on their power. The problem with flawed democracie­s is the absence of the self-discipline and civic virtue that effective democratic government requires.

Building a strong democracy can take decades, and it can slide into reverse unless consciousl­y kept moving. That is why we need a benevolent dictator, who understand­s that democracie­s must grow from within and that, for this to happen, citizens must enjoy rights but abide by rules and fulfil their responsibi­lities. We need someone who understand­s that power must come from the empowered majority, not from the party political privileged few, as we see now in our Rainbow Nation.

Let’s hope President Cyril Ramaphosa will be our benign dictator for the next 10 years. After all, democracy must deliver more benefits to the people in order for them to continue believing in it.

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