Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


May 21 - June 20

Things have been rather good lately. And they’re about to get better. True, this may mean holding back on final plans for a while — just while the details are being finalised. But if it does, think of the extra time as an investment in your future. The gods are on your side this time. So use extra time to investigat­e anything even mildly confusing.


June 21 - Jul 22

So you’ve been hoping — no, assuming — that the personal dramas will work themselves out? That you can simply carry on as before? Wrong. As you have so often announced, no one can be expected to be a mind reader. So if something has to be said, say it. And that means you. Your long-term emotional, not to mention financial, security are at stake here. Do something to ensure the best outcome. Show them you care.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

You can expect good news before the week is out. And while you wait, try counting the zillion little miracles that happen every day. The plan is to keep you in the mood to handle those tiny glitches at home. The rule here is, don’t waste time worrying about who is “right”. The trick is to figure out what’s best for everyone — including you. No martyrs allowed. But no one needs to beat the others into submission either.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

All the people you would normally ask for advice are up to their knees in dramas of their own. And you’ve been wondering whether your own thoughts are getting out of style — even old fashioned.

Well, so what? How about — for once — trusting yourself as much as you trust them. Could be you’re just ahead of your time.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Still dodging franticall­y between the ropes, trying to keep the peace? Yes, it’s a cute trick, but not even you can maintain perfect harmony at all times. Besides, as you may not have figured out yet, the occasional screaming match is often the only thing that reveals the truth. So yes, duck and dive if you will. But you may need some boxing gloves to get it right. Just avoid the blaming thing. That never helps.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Write down all your desires — and think about them constantly. Your powers are at their peak now, and you can literally make magic. Meanwhile, your relationsh­ips are looking mildly dodgy. Wait before making any decisions though. Things tend to look worse than they are when your expectatio­ns are so high. Use the quieter moments to understand the real issues. After that, a little gratitude would go a long way.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Creativity is your word for the week. You’re at your brilliant best, capable of just about anything. But still, even creativity can come in rather larger doses than we can handle. Large enough, for example, to send you off on a series of brief romantic flings. Watch yourself. You’re the one who’ll have to fix the messes you create, you know.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

You know how you always promise to have a life as soon as you’ve fixed your finances? Or your business? Or your tax dramas? Well this is your life — and it’s tottering along with or without your help. Progress for its own sake loses meaning if you've forgotten why you were making the journey in the first place. And if the routine is closing in on you, slam on the brakes and think again.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

This time you’re going to need more than the obligatory toothbrush and clean broekies to get where you’re going. This week’s journeys want you looking good. There are important changes coming — important enough for you to break down and remove that bolt from your nostril. It’s in a very good cause. Besides, there are many ways of being a weirdo. And it never hurts to comb your hair.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Sure, the workload is piled so high you can hardly see your feet. Don’t let it get to you. The trick is to do what you can, comfortabl­e in the knowledge that the world won’t collapse if it has to wait an extra day. Instead, how about some attention for your friends? Or have you forgotten who they are? They haven’t forgotten you. Don’t let them.


Mar 21 - April 19

A dose of lavish personal attention is what you’re secretly after. Complete with some well-meant adoration. Which is all fine, as long as you’re contributi­ng something from your side. Better watch yourself though, or your self-absorption could blind you to the fact that you’re in danger of driving the fans away. Just keep an eye on your motives and everyone will get what they want. See?


Apr 20 - May 20

Isn’t it great when everything suddenly seems to be going your way? Smirk if you will. And enjoy it you must. But spare an occasional thought for those who lost out. And find some patience for the projects that are taking more time than you’d hoped. You’ll need to remember how incredibly lucky you are. And that everything in life has its own timespan. Besides, you have lots of patience. Use it now.

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